Cocktails, Radio, Blues and The Kid

Hello Thursday night! The Kid is in bed, babbling to himself. I just took a shower and put on some anti-cellulite cream and for a moment I thought I was having an MSG attack but it turns out, according to the label, there is a warming effect. This is slightly weird. I kind of feel like fire ants are having a cook out on my thighs. There's a visual!

Anyway, the last couple of days have been pretty busy. I am still waiting to hear back about the Autism center and since this is Austria, I have to realize that this could take a while. I am incredibly impatient when it comes to... well... when it comes to anything I want. Sometimes while waiting for a package, I will briefly think about catching a train to the distribution center and saying "That's alright, I will just find my boob tape by myself." Dear lord, this cream is really heating up! Did I put on Bengay? Anyway, speaking of boob tape, I just bought these sticky plastic strapless, backless bra things for the ball and I am kind of thinking I might have to buy two sets because the ladies might rebel. Cough. Again, sorry about the visual. God, this cream!!!

So as I said, the last couple of days have been busy. We had a boiler issue on Tuesday morning and we had no heat the whole night and the Kid got to sleep in our bed and if he could speak he would have said "BEST NIGHT EVER!" We went to bed like we were going on a polar expedition and yes, I made the Husband get up in the middle of the night to get the Kid more milk because yes, he is not responsible for our boiler but yes I can still blame  him because he is man.. and fire and all that terrible gender role stuff I am assigning. I apologize to all the feminists I admire. It's not a woman thing that I don't understand heating... it's a Tova be dumb thing. Crap, this heating cream is not enjoyable and I think I got some in my armpit. Not fun.

On Tuesday afternoon, I left work in a cloud of Escada perfume and made my way to the 4th district to meet a friend who works at the Funkhaus. This awesome vintage building is a radio station and I was super excited to see it. It truly is a jewel; built in the 1930s, bombed during the war, and then renovated, you truly feel you are walking into a movie set from the 1930s. I met my friend in the lobby and we went to staff cafeteria for some coffee and to chat. I can't say yet what we talked about but I might just get a chance to be on the radio which is so bucket list circa 1935 that I could explode in excitement. I will keep you all updated on what happens next.

After our meeting, I jumped on the Ubahn and met my friend N.W. at The Mall at Wien Mitte. N.W. and I used to work together years ago and I love that we have stayed in touch. We met at 5:30 and she suggested we head to a little cocktail bar she had heard about on Singerstrasse in the center. We walked through town and when we got to the street, we looked for number 7. Now, this bar is EASY to miss because there really isn't a sign out front; just a small sign on the door that is almost impossible to see. We pushed open and the door and I internally squealed at the decor. It is dark, it is glitzy, it is pretty much my dream bar. And there is a beautiful chandelier and the marble like tables are lit and the lighting is pretty damn flattering. For a moment I thought I would look like I was using a flashlight wrongly but my friend assured me it was fine. I believe her.

We ordered gin and tonics and gabbed and made fun of the couple beside us because they got progressively drunker and then started making out and Ah! Youths! Just before 8, we called it a night and I bid farewell to one of my new favourite bars EVER. Kleinod, I will be back!

Wednesday at work was busy and at 5 I packed up and headed home for some quality time with the Kid. If I go out more than once a week, I make sure that the other times I come home first so that I can spend time with him and then put him to bed. After he was tucked in, I headed out to meet a friend. We had plans to go to the Louisiana Blues Bar in the 4th but before that he was meeting a friend at 1516 (by the way, to all the single ladies in Vienna, head to 1516 on a Wednesday at 6. SO MANY MEN! I felt like I had walked into a locker room.. but the men were wearing suits and not towels). I decided to meet them there for a drink and then we made our way over just before 9 for the jam session. I love the Blues and it always makes me think of hot nights and cold drinks and well, pretty much the South which, if you have read this blog for a while, you know about my obsession with. We joined another of my friend's friend and I ordered a rose (which was AMAZING! by the way) and settled in for some great music. There was a guitarist/singer, drummer and a harmonica player. The harmonica player also seemed to be sporting the same hair style that I was and I don't know if that made him uncomfortable or not. After a few songs, a woman from the audience sang a song and it was beautiful. After a break and more wine, another guitarist joined as well as a bass player. The Louisiana Blues Bar is tiny, a little divey but definitely a bit of a jewel in my opinion. I am so going to go back again to get my Blues on... as an audience member.. this girl don't sing. And another highlight was when my friend and I talked about the awesome Blues scene from Adventures in Babysitting which made me realize I need to watch that movie again ASAP. By 11 it was time for me to head home and I walked out into the snowy night feeling pretty darn happy.

So that rounds out the last couple of nights. By the way, my armpit is still on fire. STUPID CREAM! So before I take a shower to take off this devil cream, I thought I would quickly write about the Kid. The other day, the Husband dropped him off at daycare and the woman who deals mainly with the Kid told the Husband that they are trying to get him to eat his lunch everyday at noon. The rule is is that he cannot have any dessert until he eats some of his main course. Well, the little bugger figured out how to sneak out and head to the other two classrooms to get dessert from there without eating his main course. It took them a couple of days but they figured it out. I know I shouldn't be proud but I kind of am. I talked to the provider today and she told me she is really happy with his progress. He is a lot calmer and much more easy going and it truly makes my heart sing. And then I got home today and he was a bit of a hot mess. I think he didn't sleep enough last night because he was crying for at least 20 minutes after the Nanny left. It was like watching me watch those soldiers coming home and surprising their families videos I sometimes stream on YouTube because I am a masochist. TEARS! He finally stopped crying and we snuggled and then he brought me to the kitchen and demanded an apple and well, hey, at least he wants fruit.

So, that's it for now. I am going to go read the label on this stupid cream bottle because I don't think warming effect should really mean "I AM BURNING UP LIKE THE SUN!!" I wish you all a wonderful evening. I will be crawling into bed soon and tonight I will not read Perfume because, excuse my French, it is creepy as fuck and the Husband is on a business trip so there is nobody to kick in the middle of the night and tell them to go make sure the front door is locked. Nighty night!


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