Signing up for the New Daycare

Officially back at work after a few days off. I don't count those days as holidays. Oh no. My holiday will hopefully come in a week or so if the Husband can bribe the in laws to take the Kid for a couple of nights so that we can hit up Graz for some romantic alone time. And by romantic alone time I mean watching TV and drinking wine in a hotel bed. And maybe going to a museum. If the museum has TV. And wine.
Hey sexy. Mind if I drink some Merlot on you and watch German dubbed Gossip Girl?
Yesterday a friend came by with her adorable 18 month old daughter. The Kid, not a fan of other kids, tried to lock her out of his room. He brought both moms in and then closed the door on the little girl. He's adult-oriented and a bit of a jerk. Treat em mean, keep em keen. Amirite? Only after a couple of hours did he realize she was not his replacement and warmed up a little bit. He's never aggressive to other children, he just avoids them. Kind of like me and those Greenpeace people who stand on the street with binders, trying to make me feel bad for not spending 15.99 a month to save animals. I always bring my phone up to my ear when I spot these guys and yell "Buy! Sell!" I would have been so cool in the early 90's with Zach Morris and the gang. Anyway, the afternoon was great and the Kid was wired from the lack of a nap. The Husband had to work late so I tried to convince the Kid that his new bedtime was 6 p.m. Didn't fly.

Finally I was able to fling him into bed and then I sat on the sofa and watched Dora because the thought of getting up and changing the channel seemed like too much of a challenge. I was exhausted. The Husband got home around 8:30 and I made dinner. I sat at the kitchen table and took a bite.

"How was your day?" he asked
"I can't. I can't have a conversation right now... too tired" and I put down my fork and said "I'm not hungry."
"Oh my God! Lie down! I'll call a doctor!"

Me not wanting to talk or eat was a clear indication that I was kaput. Done-o. I walked out of the kitchen and threw myself onto the bed and was out for the night. Staying at home with the Kid is awesome but with the added stress of the past week and the Kid's need to go to the PAAAARKKK! every other hour has left me a shell of the woman I used to be. Twenty four hours later I am still pretty tired but the Husband is out, the Kid is asleep (I'm totally hoping he isn't faking it) and I'm wearing mah stretchy pants and sports bra.

Anyway, what I really wanted to write about was our official signing with the new daycare! Tuesday morning we had an appointment to sign some documents and let the Kid see the place. Both the Husband and I were a little jumpy (please see past posts of the daycare we attempted back in the winter. Search term: rebirthing) and were super happy to see the Kid jump out of his stroller when he realized we were at the place he's been trying to break into the past 3 months. He of course didn't realize that he has to walk through the building to get to the huge playground that he stares at daily. So he hung out in the hall for the whole time. Sigh. We went into the headmaster's office and signed various papers. At one point she paused and asked the name of the daycare we had been at previously. I held in my spit when I said the name and she responded with "They called me a couple of times." Cue this look thrown at the Husband.

A little background; a couple of months ago, when the Husband went to the meeting at Arche Noah (the place that shall never be mentioned with a smile), where he was told that the Kid was the most difficult child they had had in 20 years, they offered to call the new daycare to ask them to take the Kid earlier than September. When the Husband told me this, my head spun and I might have scaled a wall and perhaps I yelled "OH HELL NO!" When he looked confused I said "I DO NOT WANT THEM TAINTING THIS NEW PLACE! I DO NOT WANT THEM IN ANYWAY INVOLVED!" And the fight escalated and I pretty much told him (in a shrieky voice) "I wash my hands of them. Do what you want!" Unfortunately I did not activate my subtitles when I said this because otherwise he would have understood that by me saying "Do what you want" I meant "I will brain you if you let them call". He still does not speak Tova fluently. So in fact they did call.
Sure, what a great idea. Invite your parents over for mother's day. I'll cook and clean. Great idea.

So on Tuesday, as I was pulverizing the Husband with "the look" the headmaster said she received two calls and she found them pushy and unproffessional. She also told them that she would not talk about the Kid since they were not his parents AND she was pretty horrified. (SHE IS GETTING A BIG PRESENT FOR CHRISTMAS! Jam and maybe an ornament. Or a nice mug?). She then said it sounded like the old daycare was trying to desperately get rid of him and that is when I started to cry. She was shocked when I told her some of the things they had said and done and then she rubbed my arm and said "It is going to be alright from now on, Mama" and then I blubbered some more. Because really, I think she's right. She showed me more of the daycare and explained that there is a child specialist on site who will look after the Kid if he has a meltdown and will spend extra time with him and report monthly to us. I wanted to hug her and go all "Is this real life?"
You're telling me that we don't even have to pay for childcare anymore and you won't shame me for working a 9-5 job? Get the hell out you crazy angel!

So that's that. We are in. September 3rd is his first day. I might hire a Mariachi band to lead the way on that day. Or at least bring some cookies. Woot!


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