Cleaning up my Act

After last week's tragedy and the stress that led up to it, I have been eating my feelings. No, really. If sadness was a food group, I would have gotten about a bazillion per cent of my daily requirements. And of course it is a cycle and even though I have gotten walks and Bikram sessions in, my eating has been disastrous. Last night in a fit of not fitting (I'm brilliant with the wordplay) into my jean shorts, I decided to make a vow to myself, and on Facebook, as one does, that I was breaking up with booze, cheese, bread and sugar for the next week or so. Sounds doable. FOR LIKE A MINUTE!

But I really need to try and do it. I've been in a bit of a carb fog the past week and it makes me groggy and sluggish and mean. Oh, so mean to the Husband. And demanding. And just all round bitchy and not fun to be around kind of gal. A kind of grumpy over weight hamster. Almost lizard-like in my demeanor.... I digress.
You better have ordered double cheese on that pizza, G.
So starting today, I am definitely going attempt a little clean eating that will involve no boozing, no sugar, no bread and no cheese. I see a lot of home made curry in my future. And crying.

In half an hour I am off to an early morning Bikram session. I figured it was a good way to start some healthy habits. I totally can't think of consuming a cheeseburger for at least an hour after a class. Wish me luck!

P.S. I just want to say thank you for all the pm's offering assistance and support to me the last week. That was truly unexpected and I thank you. Just knowing that people were taking the time to check in often meant a lot to me! And to the few people who offered babysitting? Yeah, I've changed my mind. Kid's started potty training. Bring a Wet Jet. Thanks


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