This Eurovision Thing

You would have seen on Facebook my big news. If you didn't see my big news...well, then... good news that you are here. A couple of months ago, at an editorial meeting (I just love writing that. It makes me sound like a real life writing person.. which I'm not. I just like to pretend I'm Lois Lane/Michelle Pfeiffer from Up Close and Personal/Courtney Cox from Scream (all realistic portrayals of real journalists.. cough.) Little known fact: Christiane Amanpour was inspiration for Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed)) And how many closing brackets do I need now?) Anyway, I was at the editorial meeting for Vienna Wuerstelstand (absolutely wonderful online magazine) when the topic of Eurovision Song Contest came up. My arm went up so fast that I practically dislocated my shoulder. Without pause I yelled I'LL COVER IT! I WILL SELL MY SOUL! I WILL DO ANYTHING!

Eurovision Song Contest has been around for decades. I remember as a kid, when we lived in Duesseldorf in the 80's, we would gather around the old television and watch it. It was the campest thing in the world and it was a bit of a train wreck. Over the years it has changed and more countries are upping the ante but once in a while there is such camp and over the top performance, you can't help but squeal in delight. Or maybe that is just me. At the meeting, my editor gave me the blessing and then a couple of weeks later I applied for accreditation. I waited, and I waited. I really waited.

And then, boom, Monday, I received an e-mail saying that my application had been rejected and I actually cried. I don't cry about these types of things usually. I've been rejected in the past. Screw you, Clooney. But I got so caught up in the excitement that the disappointment was pretty crushing. So I wrote an eloquent e-mail to my editor saying "Well... this sucks." But he worked some magic and then the next day I got an acceptance e-mail and huzzah! HOORAY! I am going to the Eurovision Song Contest as a person with a press pass! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!! Amazing!!

Once the initial excitement wore off, my next thought was "Well, shit, I have to lose weight." Even though I won't be filmed or photographed (thank you deities), I want to look alright when I go so I'm off the booze and the white flour and the sugar and the taste of really good food and I might be a little sad this next month and probably a lot bitchy. This is all so surreal. Welcome to the big leagues, Tova. 


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