End of the Week Round Up!

Happy Easter and Happy Passover. No seder this year but we are hosting a small dim sum brunch on Monday so that is pretty Jewish. It is crisp outside today but at least it is sunny and not windy and haily like it has been these past few days. There was a lot of fist shaking as I walked around. I did not move to Central Europe for Ontario weather. Gah!

So here are some stats from this week:

Jogs done (interval training): 5. Today was 9 min. running, 1 min. walking, 10 min. running, 1 min. walking done twice. It wasn't easy but I am proud of myself. I am halfway through my training and I cannot believe how far I have come.

Words said by the Kid: 4 (ridiculously exciting, guys). The best part is that he yells the words with such passion. Proud mom.

Spray tan: 1 and the experience was great considering I  hate showing more than my ankles or upper arms (post on the experience coming soon)

Breakfast out: 1. Went to Sans Souci with a couple of friends. It was fancy. I felt privileged.

Afternoon drinking: 1. Hung out in Pickwicks and drank wine with friends. Smart life choices there, Tova.

Friends over for my curry: 1. We just continued the Pickwicks drinking. One friend is visiting other friend from Canada. She might need a liver cleanse after this.

Discovery of 90s playlist on Youtube: 1 and it is amazing!!

Lunch out:We tried 1500 Foodmakers which everybody has been raving about. Their pizza knives say "Fuck it. Eat Pizza." I need those knives. I feel like I found my stainless steel soulmate. I will keep talking about these until I get them. I WANT THEM!

Movies watched: 1/3. We have no attention spans so we have broken Wolf of Wallstreet into 3 parts. Hope we get to part 2 tonight. Happy to have finally found a film the Husband wants to watch with me. Probably because of all the boobies.

So all in all a good week. Today I have a lot of grocery shopping to get done. A lot of Third Eye Blind and Sugar Ray to listen to and of course, create a spring centerpiece. Tomorrow I am going on an early morning walk with friend and visiting friend and then the Husband, the Kid and I will head to the In laws for Easter brunch. Where we will most likely play the egg smashing game. This game requires hardboiled eggs and absolutely no skill. Two people smash their eggs together and the one who has the egg that cracks the most loses. Riveting I tell you.

I better put on a bra and some pants and head to Naschmarkt for some groceries. I wish you an awesome long weekend! Buh bye!

P.S. OMG! Teenage Dirtbag just came on! OMG! OMG! Where is my choker and platform shoes? Squeal!


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