Fun Weekend

Happy Monday! The sun is shining and I got a great run in this morning. I am actually impressed that I got a run in after the irreversible damage I did to my liver on Saturday night. More on that later...I'm looking forward to a responsible and quiet week. I have a lot of writing to do and I need to switch my winter wardrobe with my summer wardrobe and this whole sentence sounds obnoxious.

Speaking of obnoxious, that was me Saturday night. I had spent most of Saturday battling hayfever and getting the Kid to say the word "Schloss" and then it was time to head to a Not Going Away Party. A couple that I know were originally leaving in Vienna but they changed their minds because they are smart and because they are awesome, they decided to have a party about staying in Vienna. I hear party, I say "yes"... while my cultured internal voice says "Woman, no!" and Spring break Tova says "oh hell, yes!" I was in fine form Saturday night. The young waiter at Cafe Potyka (apparently a great place for brunch on the weekends. I look forward to 2019 when I can finally have brunch with my child) was like a wine ninja. Every time my wine level got dangerously low, he filled up my glass. He was amazing. Give that man a big tip!

The evening started out in a chill and sophisticated manner. The lovely hosts sang a song and I was even mentioned in it which was AMAZING! They very much enjoyed the yodelling flamingo I gave them because a yodelling flamingo is what every household needs. The conversation was interesting and intellectual... and then the wine ninja hit and I turned into what I can only describe as a pug dog going for a walk.

I met some new people, I met people who I only knew on Facebook. I did a terrible impersonation of a French Canadian accent. I WAS ON FIRE. Ugh. Bad, Tova. No! Sit! It was past midnight and I decided I had to head home. I had told half the place I was going to the Opera in the morning and that I would, hic, have to be up in a few hours, and hic, did I mention I was going to the Opera in the morning, hic.

The Kid woke me up at 7 by jabbing his finger in my eye. I got up and crawled to the sofa, hating myself. I briefly considered running but I didn't want to get arrested for public intoxication so I gave myself a face mask and ate English muffins with cheese and drank coffee and hoped for salvation. By ten I was dressed and spackled and ready to head to the Staatsoper for a Matinee about Don Pasquale. A friend was performing a song so I was looking forward to that. I was also looking forward to sitting down. The show started at 11 and it soon became clear that this was not going to involve a whole lot of singing. Instead, it was more of a lecture about Don Pasquale. The great singer David Pershall sang a song and it was lovely but I am biased because he is a great guy. His lovely wife had invited me along and she too is a talented singer while I'm all like "Dem muzak is awesome. Dayum!"

Then the "lecture" continued and at some point Juan Diego Florez came out on stage and the Viennese audience sighed in happiness. I half expected panties to go flying on the stage. I might have been the first to have done it. Seems like a nice guy.

I survived the two hours of "Theory of Opera" and to be honest, I actually enjoyed it and now know a lot more about Don Pasquale than I ever thought I would ever know. We went for a coffee and then I went home to put on yoga pants and die a little. Once I got my sea legs back later in the afternoon, I worked more on the Kid's Pinterest board. Because he lost all his language last year, we are trying to get the words back. He was at about 80 words a year ago and two months ago he was down to 2 words. But, since therapy at the therapist's and at home, we are now proudly at 16 words. I have created a board with pictures of words he can say again and some pictures of what he used to say. The two re-learned words this weekend were "mais" (corn) and "schloss" (castle). This makes my heart happy. And on Saturday, another amazing thing happened (besides me turning into Karen Walker and turning into a cackling hyena at the same time... in stereo). I pulled up my profile picture on Facebook and showed it to the Kid and he said "Mommy!" The Husband and I just about lost it. I hate that I used to get annoyed in the past when he would say "Mommy" non-stop. Had I realized that I wouldn't hear it for over a year, I would have acted differently. But hindsight is of course 20/20. And I cannot leave this post on a sad thought.

So the Tovaness Project continues as you can see on the Operation Tubetop Facebook page. I'm enjoying it and I look forward to posting more pictures. I hope that in a few days I can create a post of them so that I can remind myself of all the awesome that is in my life. Now time to find pins for the Kid's Pinterest board: Chanel, Gucci, Lacroix, Ralph Lauren and Prada are just some of the 12 Apostles of fashion that he needs to know. Buh bye.


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