A Keyword Post

The Husband is out tonight and I had planned for a cozy night of writing and wine drinking (those two weeks of planned no drinking are going GREAT, guys!). The Kid is still awake and talking to himself in his own language in his bed and I keep going into his room every couple of minutes to whisper "SCHLAFEN, JETZT!" German, so melodic. I thought I would do a "keyword post" because, why not?

Classic summaries: Seems like a lot of you liked the Madame Butterfly summary. I will definitely be doing more of those because irreverence is my middle name. Well, Elizabeth is, but whatever. I had a great time summing up Madame Butterfly except for all the ugly crying I did when thinking about the ending. And then she blindfolds her little boy...and...sob... If you have any classics you would like me to write a summary about, let me know. I'm easy.

The Kid: I just yelled at him again. Sweet Jeebus, Child, why are you not exhausted?!?! UGH! Anyway. He is doing fine today (except for his urge to not sleep) but I thought I would talk about Saturday night and the years of life I lost. I went to a going away party (I like the Not Going party that I went to last week more because there were no sad moments) for a friend. He is a wonderful chef who is moving back to Dublin and was incredibly supportive when we went through all the issues with the Kid and I salute him and thank him for the private messages he sent me during that dark time. So last Saturday was his good bye party and I went. The spritzers were flowing and Jaegermeister was being passed around. It was a fun night to catch up with friends but the clock struck midnight and it was time for me to head home. I walked through the front door and noticed that the Kid's door was ajar and his playtent was blocking his normal escape route. I walked into his room and moved the tent away. I noticed he wasn't in his bed and that didn't ring any alarm bells because he usually makes his way into our bed sometime around 11:30. We don't even wake up anymore - he's that good. So I washed my face and put on my pyjamas and headed into the bedroom, fully expecting to see the Kid in our bed. But he wasn't. This is when I started to panic slightly. I walked into the living room to see if he had fallen asleep on one of the sofas but he wasn't there. And then I really started to panic. I rushed into his bedroom and looked under his bed and behind curtains and then I started to yell "RAPHAEL!" over and over again. A small part of my brain had that stupid "The dingo ate my baby." soundbyte playing. I (I just stopped typing now because I just caught him trying to bike around the hallway, sweet mother of...) anyway, I ran into the bedroom yelling and then noticed a bulge at the end of the bed. He had covered himself with a pile of pillows and the day quilt and also gave me a stroke at the same time. Ugh. Kids. This is why I have to dye my hair. All the greys!

Interval training: Well hey, I am on my last week of interval training! I cannot believe it! I have stuck to it! I actually followed through with something that makes me sweat and wear lycra. Incroyable. Today I ran 26 minutes straight and by the end of this week, I should be able to run 30 minutes straight! Am I fast? Oh hell no. Am I on the verge of losing a lung every time I jog. Oh hell yes. But I have actually followed through with a plan and I am enjoying the benefits. Well, I will once I buy myself the pair of designer sunglasses I promised myself if I finished the 8 weeks of training. Booyah!

Eurovision Song Contest: It is getting closer and I am still waiting for my press pass (if you didn't know this already, I am not a patient person). I started my research last weekend just like a serious journalist... if a serious journalist spends 5 hours straight watching people from Moldova and Macedonia singing on top of mountains or at a beach. This is how Anderson Cooper got his big break. I just lied. Oh, wait, that is how Brian Williams got his big break. Ooh, burn.

Hockey: Being Canadian, hockey is in my blood. Love the sport, love the beer, love the throwing off the gloves for a good old fashioned fight. I hate that I am missing the playoffs for, like what, the 10th year in a row. But the great news is that I am going to see the good old hockey game tomorrow night; Canada vs. Austria. I can't wait to go and to get all rough and cursey tomorrow night. Should I wear the Prada purse or the Chanel one? Decisions.

And well, look at that. I let the Kid lie down on the sofa and now he is out like a light. Told him he was tired. I wish you all a great evening. I will slowly blow out the candles on my burning candelabra and crawl into bed to read my book. Again, any classic summary suggestions would be awesome. Stay tuned for a late April give away and more details about the Meet and Greet and of course, Eurovision updates. Nighty night.


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