End of Week 4 Interval Training: Check In

I just got back from a run. I have showered, of course, and have decided to write another obnoxious smug post about running. The Kid is finally asleep. The Husband said it took over an hour. Which makes absolutely no sense since he got only about 6 hours of sleep the night before. We stupidly let him take a nap late yesterday because we thought he might be coming down with something. Turns out he was coming down with "Let's build a fort in Mommy and Daddy's bed at 1 a.m. - itis". I was convinced he would pass out at 7 tonight but no. So now I am wondering if I actually birthed twins and if they play some kind of screwed up version of Parent Trap and tap out so that they can stay with us 24 hours a day, constantly running in circles.

Anyway, I have now officially done 4 weeks of interval training and have on average jogged about 5 times a week. According to Popsugar, I should only be training 3 times a week but I wouldn't be me if I didn't push myself to the brink of exhaustion just for the smug factor. Here is what I have learned these past 4 weeks.

Stamina: 4 weeks ago, I ran 1 minute, 7 times, so I "ran" for a total of 7 minutes over 21 minutes. Tonight I ran 9 minutes, then 10 minutes, times 2 for 42 minutes, so I ran for a total of 38 minutes over 42 minutes. That's quite a jump. And I totally felt like I was going to lose a lung 4 weeks ago and I still feel like I am going to lose a lung. So there's that.

Joy: A couple of weeks ago, I actually only felt joy when I finished a training. The kind of life affirming joy one feels when narrowly cheating death or not choking to death on a half chewed piece of bread and brie. Now, I am actually feeling immense joy during the run. Sure, I hurt... but I feel so free and alive... kind of.

Getting hooked: I actually get grumpy when I miss a run. It's...it's...it's like I am addicted or something. Well...they do say it takes 3 weeks to form a habit.

Body changing: I've lost about 6 pounds since I started and I haven't changed my eating habits. I really should change my eating habits though. That's the next goal. Let's not talk about the chicken nuggets I consumed before my run. But I have to say that I am noticing a change in my "figure". My legs are less jiggly, my arms don't wiggle as much and my third chin is turning into a double chin. Woot!

Calm: I'm feeling calmer in general. And in fact, I am feeling happier. If I am feeling down, or I read something upsetting about Tori Spelling, once I am back from a run, the world doesn't seem so bleak. Endorphins, man.

Tomorrow is the star of week 5 and it will be my longest run to date. I am a little scared but I know I can do it. I am heading to bed soon where I will no doubt dream nothing because I am too damn exhausted. Oh, yeah, that's another thing... I am sleeping so much better now. Well, unless the Kid starts to use my head as part of his fort in the middle of the night. Nighty night.


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