Sleep Training and the Juice Cleanse

So I live tweeted the sleep training last night. You can see the summary here on Storify . The rest of the night went like this:

10:30 Back in his bed, falls asleep within 5 minutes
1:30 In the living room. Yet doesn't attempt to open bedroom door. Hear him squawk and when I go into the living room, find him asleep all Andy Capp like on the sofa. Cover him with a blanket and head back to bed, praying I get a few more hours of sleep.
4:00 Crawls into our bed and sleeps until 7

How do I feel about the whole night? Pretty damn pleased.

Tonight will be the same with the sleep training. I want him to be able to fall asleep on his own so that date nights are a possibility again. And I want to stop his internal clock from making him rise at 10:30 at night to head to our bed. Every.single.night.

Last night was absolutely heart breaking but I stayed calm, I only said a few words (One day, son. One day) each time I brought him back to bed and I felt much more in control than the last time we attempted this. I think Tweeting also kept me sane knowing that there were people out there, following along. So thank you for that! I didn't end up popping open a bottle of Merlot screaming "FUCK IT!".

Need to stay strong again tonight. This isn't a race but it is a marathon. I'm so tired.

In other news, I am still sticking to juice during the day. Today I had some lo-cal soup but otherwise, I've been good. I do feel a lot better and my stomach isn't acting up. The juice definitely fills me up and when it is time for dinner, I find that I can't eat as much... well, girl can still eat. Just not as much. Giving up the alcohol has been surprisingly easy so I can now cross off  "Being an unaware alcoholic" from my list of phobias. Would also eventually like to cross "Fear of getting massage when therapist leaves suddenly and is replaced by Bond villain that expects me to die" off my phobia list as well. This one is still strong as I was tested last week on my spa afternoon.

I didn't weigh myself this morning because I got that thing that ladies get and I feel like a watermelon walking on a pair of toothpicks. But hopefully this Sunday I can see more of a shift of the scale. I'm not sure what I will do after these 10 days. I do definitely enjoy having the juice and it really ensures that I don't get scurvy but it is time consuming and not cheap. I might alternate juice days with smoothie days. Hey! That's a good idea! Thank you, Tova. No worries. Anytime.

OK. I should go have some coffee. See you on Twitter tonight if you are around!


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