An Anniversary and Tiring the Kid Out

Sup' guys? Tis Monday again but that's ok. I'm don't hate Mondays... Tuesdays... well don't get me started on Tuesdays. Ugh. The worst. Anyway, sorry for not writing the last few days. I'd like to say that I have been incredibly busy but I haven't been. Which has actually been nice. I have a crazy few weekends ahead: this Saturday one of my oldest and dearest friends is in town so I will be meeting her. I'm heading to Der Fuchs und Die Trauben with her on Saturday. I'm actually also meeting friends there on Wednesday night. Yes, I am hooked. Check out Vienna Wuerstelstand for the review and if you live in Vienna - you need to check it out!

Anyway, Saturday was our 11 year wedding anniversary but the Husband suggested we celebrate on Friday and that was actually a good idea. Saturday night I could not be assed to put on pants, let alone le make up that hides le face. We met Friday afternoon in front of the Loos Bar because it is an awesome special occasion bar. But it was crowded and I refused to go in because crowded bars are not my scene. Well, unless I have a reserved seat, the toilet is near by and the server is fast to replenish mah drinks. High standards, I know.

Because we had less than four hours to get "our drink on", I quickly spied another bar next door. Well, right next door was a strip club (saving that for our 20 year anniversary) but next to that, was a bar called Pfiff and Co. Now, in Austria, a "pfiff" means a small small glass of something alcoholic. I think it was called that because someone looked at a small glass of something alcoholic and went "Pffft. You call that a drink? This is a drink."

So we walked in and immediately I was happy because it was the typical, regulars only, Austrians get loaded type of bar. Right up my alley. There were fasching decorations everywhere in this tiny place and the TV was on which was showing skiing and usually I want to stab myself in the eyeballs when skiing season is on but there is something exciting about watching it with a group of half ripped Austrians. The Husband looked around and noted that it was nice to be in a bar with older people and I looked around and destroyed him forever when I told him "Um, sweetie... I think they are all about the same age as us."

We ordered drinks, watched men in spandex throw themselves down a cliff and toasted to our anniversary. At 6 we made our way to Cantinetta La Norma (one of my favourite Italian places in the 1st). The food isn't out of this world but it is decent enough and the atmosphere is incredible - cozy in that arched 17th century way. Love it. We ate dinner, drank wine and exchanged cards. The Husband got me a beautiful Jacques Lemans necklace and I got him a tuxedo which is still en route. At 7:40 we paid the bill and headed back home. It was a perfect anniversary for two very tired people.

Saturday morning was spent psyching the Kid up for a visit to Zoom Kindermuseum thanks to a friend who organized tickets. I will be writing an article about that so stay tuned. The afternoon was spent at home doing very very little. The Kid spent most of the afternoon being yelled at. Bless.

Over the night it snowed and that was a bit of a shock. Did not expect to wake up in Siberia, thank you very much. But it melted quickly and the Kid turned manic due to being cooped up inside so we braved the slushy grossness to burn off some of his angst. He rode his no-pedal bike and the Husband and I took turns chasing after him as he reached street crossings. His hood was not the best leash. The bugger also likes to lift his feet when he hits a slope - all the while yelling "WEEEEEEEEEEE!". Of course when we had to head back, he started whinging because, you know, uphill. We had hoped that he had worked out most of his kvetching by the time we got home but less than an hour later, he was ready to head out again. He played us like the little maniacal boy genius that he is.

(Sidenote: I used it Lauren! Look! I used it!) (Additional sidenote: How did I never realize that Captain Von Trapp was so incredibly attractive? Perhaps because the last time I saw the film, I was 8 but still. Give me a minute.)
How you doin?
Moving on. The Husband went out with the Kid for another hour and I did my nails because... well, I'm selfish. We then ordered Chinese food, finished up the laundry and then got the Kid ready for bed. I was convinced he would pass out in 5 seconds flat but it took him close to 30 minutes to succumb to the exhaustion. When I finally left, I turned to the Husband and asked "WHERE DOES HE GOT ALL OF HIS ENERGY FROM?!?!" to which I got the side eye. Oh, yeah, I guess it is genetic.


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