Signing up for the New Daycare
Officially back at work after a few days off. I don't count those days as holidays. Oh no. My holiday will hopefully come in a week or so if the Husband can bribe the in laws to take the Kid for a couple of nights so that we can hit up Graz for some romantic alone time. And by romantic alone time I mean watching TV and drinking wine in a hotel bed. And maybe going to a museum. If the museum has TV. And wine. Hey sexy. Mind if I drink some Merlot on you and watch German dubbed Gossip Girl? Yesterday a friend came by with her adorable 18 month old daughter. The Kid, not a fan of other kids, tried to lock her out of his room. He brought both moms in and then closed the door on the little girl. He's adult-oriented and a bit of a jerk. Treat em mean, keep em keen. Amirite? Only after a couple of hours did he realize she was not his replacement and warmed up a little bit. He's never aggressive to other children, he just avoids them. Kind of like me and those Greenpeace peopl...