Shellac is Whack

Two days ago I finally removed my nail shellac. Bye. I loved you. It lasted over 3 weeks without chipping but it had really grown out so it was time to say goodbye. I briefly considered calling it the "ombre" look but I can only take ombre so far. To remove shellac you need the following:

10 cotton balls
Nail polish remover
10 small sheets of aluminuiminin foil
Orange stick (I don't know why it is called an orange stick but it's a stick with one pointy side and one kind of flat side. I guess you could use a wooden kebab skewer as well.)
Nail buffer

Soak the cotton balls in nail polish remover. Enjoy the high. Place cotton ball on nail and then wrap a piece of foil around the nail. Wait about 15 minutes. Remove the cotton ball. The shellac polish should look flaky. Gently (or not, in my case) scrape the polish off. When finished, buff yo' nails, yo!

I am now totally obsessed with shellac polish. I need to buy some stat because regular polish is now like a kid named Bruce who wore grey flannel pants in 4th grade and picked his nose. You are dead to me, normal polish. I guess I should look online.

In other news, I bought paint today. I'll be painting the doors tomorrow while I watch Real Housewives and trying not to curse Bravo producers for having turned one of my favourite shows into a harpy screaming fest. Like seriously. I'm pretty much done with this franchise. I can only take so much screaming and meanness. Here is a cliff note, Bravo.

Someone flipping a table and calling someone a "Prostitute Whore": good for TV, only one time though, then move on.
Week after week of cattiness and friendships shattering: not good for TV and not good for my soul.

I think I might have to say good bye... But wait, what's that? You have a new show? Long Island Princesses? Ok. I have a little time for that.


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