Chillaxed Weekend

I love Sunday afternoons. Right now the Kid is napping and so is the Husband. The Husband hurt his foot, sleeping... 3 days later and he is still in pain. It happens every 6 months or so and at least this time he doesn't blame it on a draft (if you live in Austria, you will totally get what I mean). Friday the Kid was home since his daycare was closed and we had a rocking time. I built a fort and a second later he threw himself on top of it and destroyed it. He tried to get me to ride his tiny tricycle and that is just not a good view from the back. I told friends last night, it was like wearing a plastic G-string. Friday night the Husband and I had a relaxing dinner at home and talked about inane stuff. Saturday was spent at home, bitching about Dora once again. Saturday night we went out with friends for a chill childless dinner and drinks after. It was a lot of fun!
This morning the Husband took the Kid to a playground and I cleaned and laundried and dusted and now I am Pinteresting and watching baseball reruns. Perfection.

This week is going to be busy!

Pick up new passport (I kid you not, my new passport picture is amahzing! I think they airbrushed me)
Workout and Zumba
Work on the charity event; put together two more prizes and create the list of questions and challenges
Self tan (will take a better part of a day)
Write a lot a lot
Meeting friends and a baby
Dinner out and a bday party
Fly to Berlin for two nights on Sunday... oh I'm sorry, correction, fly to Berlin with a two year old who cannot and will not sit still for more than a minute. I think am going to cry.

And there it is, the plans for week 5.


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