The Purchasing of a Designer Product

Oh, I did it... I bought Chanel sunglasses. My mother has generously offered to pay for them calling them an early Christmas and birthday present (it is currently summer). I said no, but we will see. I don’t buy designer clothes. I do however, rub myself against people who wear designer clothes. Perhaps one day, when the money starts to roll in, I will buy high end only but realistically I don’t see that happening.. Ok, maybe a few pieces from Chanel, and maybe Prada, and perhaps Dolce and Gabbana, and maybe just maybe some Jimmy Choos but other than that I promise to remain faithful to the brands that have seen me through my 20s and now 30s. So here is my oath. This is to you H&M and Forever 21 and even to you Cheapy Strange Smelling Store around the corner.

I Tova, of sound mind and fantastic calves, promise that I will never leave you. I will not forgo a 4.99 tank top so that I can have a brand name splashed across my post baby chest (unless of course the overpriced designer tank top comes with magical powers and makes me Cosmos).

I Tova, of sound mind and split ends, promise that I will never turn down a pair of amazing 20 Euro pleather shoes that make my feet sweat and bleed - for shoes that cost 600 Euros and look almost the same.

I Tova, of sound mind and deformed toes, promise that I will actually one day buy the small Chanel black leather purse with the gold chain strap. This I will not compromise on.

And there you have it. My oath. So don’t you worry your pretty little head huge corporate shops that sell clothing to girl children (I’m looking at Tally Weil), I will always be around...I won’t forget you!

And well, here are the glasses. I love them. They are amazing.. I think they are Housewiferrific!!


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