Job Interview Today and Drinks Tonight

Yay! Monday night! Survived the first day of the week. Apparently the Kid had a freak out in Kindergarten today. My first thought is: oh crap, what is going on in his sweet little head. My second thought is: thank God I didn't have to go through another one. He is definitely going through a phase and I hope it passes soon... a phase of ignoring us and yelling at us whenever we ask him to do anything. I like that as parents that we always call continuous bad behaviour a "phase". When a child is being good, we never say it is a "phase" but rather shrug our shoulders smugly and think "good parenting".

Yesterday the Kid was pretty great after the visit to the playground. We decided to head to the Prater because we have always had luck with him on the tram. We walked down the hill to the tram stop and waited just a minute for a tram. An old one (and this is important), pulled up and the Kid got out of his stroller and held my hand as he climbed into it. We are weening him off the stroller but for longer trips, we bring it with us. The Husband carried the stroller onto the tram (the almost empty tram) and an older man said "You aren't allowed to bring a stroller on this wagon. It goes in the front!" and the Husband gave him a look. The same look I get when I do something wrong (which I do a lot of). At this point I was about to go absolutely berserk on the man but the Husband folded up the stroller and placed it under the seat. I was itching for a fight (and I usually hate confrontation with strangers) but I took deep breaths and decided to give him a death stare... aimed at the back of his head. Ugh. We made it to the Prater and as soon as the Kid got off the tram, he made a dash for the fields.

We decided to go into the forest and he was happy as can be, walking on the narrow paths. He truly loves nature and that is great but I'm going to need better shoes. After a couple of hours, we headed back home on the boiling hot tram and I gave him a bath when the Husband went to the gym. Around 5 I met my friend D.K. for an end of summer drink and talked and laughed until I had to head home for dinner. After dinner, we wrestled the Kid to bed and by that, I mean, just let him fall asleep in our bed while we watched Pretty Little Liars. When it was time for me to go to bed, I carried him back to his bed where he stayed for I believe exactly 90 minutes. I know that the more he gets out, the better he is but hopefully this phase will pass quickly and he will discover the joy of no bra Sundays on the sofa.

This morning I dropped him off at kindergarten and headed to work. Our nanny had a doctor's appointment so we asked the lovely psychology student to pick him up. So glad she is back in town and that we can finally get started on ABA! Woot! At lunch time a friend, Office Twin and I took a walk. As always our conversation was inappropriate and involved a lot of making fun of me. At one point I kept talking and they completely ignored me. Ah, friends! But at least today I taught them the term "Baby Daddy" and now I feel smug and hip and cool.

After work I ran to meet two friends who are also sisters. One is in town visiting and since I couldn't make drinks on Saturday, I was happy that we could meet for a quick drink. We met at Cafe Ansari which is now one of my new favourite places. So lovely inside and really lovely service. Even though I was making dinner later, I couldn't resist ordering the Georgian pizza known as Khachapouri. This always brings me back to Moscow and causes heart burn. Yay! I had a couple of glasses of wine and then I had to head home. The Kid was alright but was definitely acting a little off. I made dinner and then at 8 decided to see if I could run again. And I could! I went slowly and was able to avoid any heel pain so yay! This morning my foot is a little sore but nothing like last week so I am relieved. I even can wear heels and I need to because this afternoon I have an interview for my job but a grade higher. I will be glad when that is done. In other news, I posted on Facebook about Pepe le Pew. I used to watch Loony Tunes and I will always remember my dad walking in when that coyote was chasing Roadrunner. My dad would shake his head and said "One day I hope he catches that little bastard." And I agreed. I just watched in the hopes that Pepe le Pew would appear. He was a skunk cartoon character that chased around a cat that accidentally looked like a skunk. I posted that he was underappreciated as a character and one friend said he definitely was "rapey". I had to think about it for a little while and I do concur. But on another level, I always liked Pepe le Pew for wearing his heart on his sleeve. I enjoy it when people are transparent and I very much like people who declare their love... even skunks. And look at this quote:

Pepe le Pew: You are ze corned beef to me, and I am ze cabbage to you. 
[Wild cat attacks Pepe and leaves
Pepe Le Pew: I like it! Come back! Ze corned beef does not run away from ze cabbage! 

and of course, this very insightful one.

Pepe le Pew: Why is it whenever a man is captured by a woman, all he wish to do is get away? 

But yes, he probably needs a class in feminism. And this type of cartoon would never fly nowadays.

After my interview today, I will meet a friend for a couple of hours at Cafe Anzengruber and then at 6:30 I am meeting a friend at the wine bar Vita e Bella on Pilgramgasse. I am definitely fooking forward to an evening out with good company and wine and the stress of the interview behind me. And my last little note before I head to work (I was writing this post last night and my Internet failed on my laptop so this morning I have to fill in the blanks), I watched Be Kind Rewind based on a suggestion and it was actually quite charming. I love Jack Black and if you are looking for a fun and slightly alternative film, it's great. And now I have to put on my heels and put on my most "responsible looking outfit". Toodles.


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