Parties, Costumes and a Race Tomorrow

A bazillion apologies for not posting sooner! Last week was incredibly busy at work and I just did not have time to write. Which I hate because I love to write in this bizarro online diary. There was a lot to do and I was pretty exhausted. But the good news is that I can write a post tonight because the Kid has discovered that launching himself off the sofa is the most fun game EVER! and I'm too tired to stop him. Moving on to a topic that is near and dear to my heart: Halloween costumes!

So I have been going through Halloween costume ideas. When I was kid, literally November 1st I already knew what I wanted to be. I would spend my days dreaming of my next costume. And as an adult, I still kind of do. These past couple of months I have been planning. It first started out with something Zombie Pride and Prejudice... then it moved on to ghost bride... then I thought of Daisy from the Great Gatsby ghost thing. I tossed the ideas around, even bought fabric, but just couldn't decide what to do. Now, for Halloween, you don't have to dress as something scary. The fun with Halloween is that you can dress as anything you want to: no blackface, Native American costumes or over the top political incorrectness (a little political correctness is fine of course), please. It's a chance to become whatever you want to be and while I have a few dream costumes, when it comes to our annual Halloween party, I have finally realized that ease and comfort are key. Wigs are out because I will catch myself on fire. Complicated make up application is out because I am usually crying in frustration that something is not broiling or even boiling 30 minutes before the party starts. And anything too tight will make me feel like a Coke can left in a freezer, ready to blow. After some perusing of the Pinterest, I finally came up with my costume and I am so excited!

For a hint, check out Instagram or Facebook later tonight once the Kid is in bed. Next weekend I will start decorating the apartment. We are lucky enough to have friends who store our Halloween decorations in their basement for the year. Otherwise we would have to rent a storage locker and so I am eternally grateful to them! In other news, this will be another crazy week so I don't know if I will be able to write another post for a couple of days. Tomorrow I am finally doing the Night Run. I hurt my heel a few weeks ago and I haven't run in 2 weeks. Am I nervous about tomorrow? Yes. Am I nervous about my heel hurting? No. I am more concerned that I will vomit in front of City Hall within the first 5 minutes. I am running with my friend L.G. and yesterday when we picked up our race packs from the Hofburg palace (only in Vienna), she turned to me and said "We are going to take it slow, right?" and I said "Oh God yes." I am literally just doing this run for the post-race beers we will be consuming at the Bitzinger Wuerstelstand afterwards. Fun side note, when we walked into the Hofburg yesterday to pick up our t-shirts I said "Hey! Remember being drunk in this room at the IAEA Ball a few years ago!?!" and she said "Oh my God! It looks totally different!" and a second fun side note: when we went to choose our t-shirt sizes we went up and said "2 larges, please!" and the man behind the counter looked at us and said "Are the shirts for you?" and we nodded and he replied with "No, you need something smaller" and I could have cried in gratitude.

Last week, as I wrote earlier, was a bit of a whirlwind. I went out for drinks and dinner with a friend at der Fuchs und die Trauben on Tuesday. Totally one of my favourite places in Vienna. It helps that I went to school with the owners and that they love nothing more than me sitting at the bar and telling them all about my stalking stories until my date shows up. Yes. Right, guys? On Thursday I hosted another Therapy Networking Night for Autism in Vienna. I was expecting at least 3 people and about 20 minutes before it started, I got 3 last minute cancellations and I felt like I was in the scene of some bad 80's high school film. Luckily 2 others showed up and once again it was wonderful to talk to people passionate about autism. On Friday I finally sent off my statutes (a friend helped me with them so so so much) and my registration for the Beacon Beach House Verein. I am waiting for the e-mail that calls me an idiot for something or other. If I don't hear anything, that means that in just under 4 weeks, I will be an official Verein. On October 6th I will be having my first official General Assembly which means I will be (hopefully) voted in as Chairman of the center. Our General Assembly will take place at der Fuchs und die Trauben and we will have wine. Is that kosher?

Speaking of wine, just this past Saturday I had a fun night out. I had two parties to attend because I am popular and stuff. I first stopped at a friend's place for some bubbly and then we headed to Werkzeug for a good bye party. I had a spritzer and at 9 I had to sadly take off for the next party. The second party started at 8 but a friend who is Austrian once told me "Never show up to an Austrian party on time." and I took her advice because it was her party. I arrived at 9:15 and then realized at that moment that I did not know anybody. The birthday party was for 3 people and one of the birthday people (my friend) was not there yet. Luckily one host took mercy on me and talked to me for a little bit. Some of his friends showed up and suddenly I was standing at a table, completely surrounded by people having conversations and at that moment I wanted to die. So I wrote on Facebook "Awkwardly standing at a party where I don't know anybody. This is how alcoholism starts." and yes, I am right. I ordered a couple of spritzers and looked at Pinterest and tried to look cool and stuff as I nervously sucked back carbonated water and wine. About 30 minutes later, my friend showed up and then another friend showed up and then I had people to talk to and I wanted to announce to the room loudly "See! I know people! I am hip. I am cool!"

It was a fun evening but by 1 I was ready to call it a night. I hailed a cab and headed home and once in the apartment, I put on my coziest pyjamas, crawled into bed and read my book and then promptly passed out. Bliss. I must end this post slowly because the Kid is running around like a banshee and I need to get him ready for bed soon. The Husband is out so I will watch a film, sit on the sofa and work on my costume. On Thursday night I am hosting an ABA Therapy Seminar and I am really excited because we are expecting over 20 participants. Fingers crossed everybody who signed up shows! I wish you all a fantabulous evening and wish me luck on the Night Run. I will cry. Nighty night!


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