That Afternoon I Acted Like an Adult and Other Stories

Sup Saturday? The Husband is at his aunt's birthday party and I am on kid duty. I am a little bit on edge because just after the Husband left, the Kid was just on the verge of a meltdown. I was able to distract him with chocolate so fingers crossed the next couple of hours go by smoothly. I don't want to jinx it but right now all is cool in the hood. I even let him eat his dinner on the sofa because I am not a good mom when it comes to boundaries. Meh, at least I'm not this lady.

Yesterday I had the day off. I originally had the day off because I thought the Kid was off kindergarten but that was the week before. I decided to not change my day off because I really needed a morning of zen. And zen it was. I took a nap watching Matlock. MATLOCK! And then around noon, I got myself all dolled up and made my way to the Craft Wines Tasteival. There is a new company in town called Craft Wines that a dear friend of mine set up with a couple of other people and it is a pretty fabulous concept. They do wine tours and have a great online shop where you can order local wines. Wine delivered to my front doorstep? Don't mind if I do! As a type of "launch" they invited 23 vintners to showcase their wines and I was invited! Woot! I planned to do a podcast and I did make a couple of recordings but I do have to see if it is in fact playable. Stay tuned for that hot mess!

I showed up just around 1 and greeted some old friends, gave my deposit for a wine glass and then stood awkwardly at the door with a friend. I'm not great at just walking up and saying "Give me WINE!" unless I have already have had WINE! Finally a friend brought me over and I tried a Riesling from Vienna. Yes! Wine from my city! I described it as fruity. It probably wasn't. I talked to a couple of people and then went and tried a Gemischter Satz from the Wachau. Also fruity? I moved on to some rose and then took a break. I had three and a half hours and I decided to pace myself. And pace myself I did. I kept my portions very small and made sure to not go overboard which is usually my raison d'etre in life. Personal motto "Go dramatic, or go home". A friend I hadn't seen in a year turned up and we chatted. He told me about his wine cellar and tasting room he was building in the basement of his house. I was like "Dude, you have a large basement? Why not make yourself a batcave?!" We chatted about wines and about his collection of wines and I said something like "Oh yeah, that's like my fine fine collection of boxed wine I pop open on Fridays and cry about how I don't have a real wine collection." I think he was amused.

I talked to a couple more people I knew and in the end tried about 10 different wines and they were all great. I think I have fallen in love with a Blaufränkish from Vienna and I think I might just have to order a case.  This was a fantastic event and I hope they do it annually! By 4:30 it was time to leave and I patted myself on the back for not having thrown myself at a vintner screaming "TAKE ME HOME WITH YOU! YOU WILL LEARN TO LOVE ME!!" I showed restraint and did not drink too much and for that, self-high five, Tova. Self-high five.

Of course, I can only be saint-like for a little while and after the wine trade show, I went and met my friend at Cafe Gitarre where we spent a good two plus hours knocking back wine and braying like donkeys. I'm only human. The Kid got home around 7:30 and by 8:30 he was asleep and the Husband and I watched a little of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and then it was time to pass out. As I mentioned before the Husband is out this afternoon and evening and I am looking forward to sitting down and reading my book. I am re-reading one of my new favourites "A Discovery of Witches" and it is a perfect read for a quiet night with candles and tea. Unfortunately it is not storming out nor is there a slight chill in the air but it will do for now. In other exciting news, I got my logo for the autism center! My friend L.P. did a fantastic job and may I present the logo for the Beacon Beach House! HURRAH!
Speaking of the Beacon, this coming week I am meeting a friend for drinks and I am asking her to help me figure out statues for the "Verein". I spent a good hour looking at the list of statutes that I am supposed to choose from and I started to drool in confusion. So bless her for taking the time to help me! Once those are sorted and the paperwork is set up, off I will go to "register". Gah! It will be a busy week and on Tuesday I am being interviewed for my job. I am applying for a raise and we will see how it will go. I haven't had an interview in about 5 years but I am not too worried. I very much like talking about myself. I should probably wind up this post and pay attention to the Kid. I also have to clean the bathtub because I ended up dying some fabric (in a bucket this time) and some of the dye spilled over and now there are stains. I am going to be in so much trouble. Should probably go and put on a push up bra as extra insurance. I wish you all a fabulous Saturday!


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