Humpity Hump Day

Well...that's an inappropriate title. Meh, I never said I was appropriate. Hello Wednesday evening! Am I happy to see you! I am home alone with the Kid tonight and to be completely honest, I was a little worried about this evening. As I mentioned the other day, the Kid has been difficult. We aren't sure what is causing it since he can't tell us but I am hoping and praying this too shall pass. I am very open on Facebook and in this blog about the challenges of raising a child with autism... I am also very open about my lack of smarts (for reference please see: carrots growing on trees). I feel like it would be a real disservice to not talk about the struggles we face with the Kid. I know that some moms who have children with autism read this blog and I don't want them to feel like they are alone; and it is incredibly therapeutic for me. One of my biggest pet peeves are people who have gone through a diagnosis of autism with their child (felt the dismay, the fear, the anger and the heart break) and once they start to develop and do well, they "leave the cause". I find that a betrayal. You're still Jenny from the block, even if you have rocks. If you got that reference, I love you.

So this is just a very long way of saying that I share a lot of stories about life with the Kid because it's important to me and, I truly hope, to others as well. Speaking of Autism, this month I am arranging two events through Autism in Vienna. The first will be an Autism therapy networking night on the 22nd of September at the Beaver Brewing Company. The second event will be a seminar about ABA therapy on the 29th. I am on the hunt for a seminar room with a projector. A friend sent me a couple of suggestions but unfortunately one is too far away and the other doesn't have the right hours. I wrote about 6 places today and 3 places wrote back. One charges 185 euros an hour and I had to double check for the typo. I wrote back and thanked them. Another place wrote me and said the cost for two hours would be about 400 euros, then I started to dry heave a little. But I am going to stay calm and trust that the other places will write me back with something along the lines of "Oh, is this Tova from Operation Tubetop? You are fabulous! Take the room for free and might we interest you in a glass of champagne?" This happens right? At this point all extra costs come out of my pocket so I have to be very frugal and this is just another reason why I can't wait to get the centre set up so I don't have to do this no mo.

Speaking of the centre, last night a friend helped me go through the statutes for the Verein. She was so helpful. In the next day or two, I am going to finalize the Verein paperwork, ask her to look over it and then mail that bad boy in. When I found out that I didn't have to actually apply in person, I almost wept in joy. It's hard enough to ask for a "dingsbum das macht zoom zoom" when I am looking for a Magic Bullet... I cannot even begin to imagine what type of mime work would go into setting up a Verein with scary officials. Yes, I know I need to get over this fear... but give me time.

Yesterday was my interview. It was in front of a panel and I was incredibly nervous. Usually I am cool in interviews but it had been almost 5 years since I had had one and I was not looking forward to it. Apparently I talk a mile a minute because what should have take at least 45 minutes was done in 19 minutes. It was one of those competence-based interviews where they ask you examples for their questions and it was sweat inducing. I am more used to the type of interview where they ask you to describe yourself with one word. I will never forget the time I was in a group interview for Club Monaco and I answered the question with "tenacious". The interviewer's eyebrows shot up in surprise and I was like "Got that word from Jurassic Park. Heh." I didn't get the job. Anyway,  I zoomed through yesterday's interview and at the end of it, I stood up and said "I'm going to go have some wine." Classy Tova. Way to go. Ugh. Otherwise I think I did alright. Originally I was supposed to meet a friend at Cafe Anzengruber first after work but he was sick so last minute I made plans to quickly meet D.K. at Cafe Gitarre. We had a couple of drinks and I bumped into an old friend who I briefly chatted with. Around 5 I left and jumped on the 13A to Vita e Bella to meet another friend. We spent about 10 minutes going through the statutes and then we moved on to gossip because we haven't caught up properly in months. At one point two other friends randomly showed up at the wine bar. After my friend headed home, I joined the other two for another drink and the whole evening was just fantastic! It felt like a sitcom: randomly bumping into friends and in this sitcom I am thin and pretty.

Around 10:30, I headed home and slept the slept of someone happy that her interview was over. I woke up in an amazing mood this morning. I'm not sure why but I was high on life. Even though the Kid ending up having a bit of tantrum (thank God not a fit), I wasn't going to let anything dampen my mood. I dropped the Kid off at kindergarten and then took the Ubahn to work. Office Twin was waiting at the exit. He had written a text that said "I see u!" and I laughed. He asked me if I felt like I was being stalked and I broke into a smile and said "YES! THANK YOU!!!" Heh. The Kid is in bed and fingers crossed he stays in bed. He has been an absolute joy tonight and for that I am incredibly grateful... Mommy needed a break. And so I end this post, wishing you all a great hump day. Happy Wednesday!


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