Short Sunday Post

Well, the Kid slept alright last night. He was a little bit difficult last night and this morning he yelled at me a couple of times. I of course handled it like a strong mother (I went into the kitchen crying "HE HATES ME!!!"). A friend wrote me that she was in the playground with her son and asked if we wanted to join. The Kid was excited to go and then I realized his stomach was a little funny. I told him we probably couldn't go and then he yelled at me again. So I said "Fiiinnne. We will go!" Tough love. Don't have it. He got on his bike and off we went. We met my friend and her adorable son and hung out for a while, trying to chat while making sure neither of our children face planted. The Husband usually does playground duty and for that I am eternally grateful. I am not great at playgrounds. They build these structures like a stage set for Hook and I keep expecting someone to start chanting "Rufio! RUFIO!" as they careen down the side of a huge slide. These things are high!

So I end up spending most of the time in a panic, making sure the Kid doesn't go tumbling off the highest point. I'm usually pretty chill but playgrounds make me nervous. The other problem are playground birthday parties. The Kid can smell a birthday cake a mile away and he will do anything to get a piece; ultimately ruining a child's birthday. Yesterday the Husband took the Kid to the playground and noticed a ton of the Kid's classmates having a party. I have to admit, I was a little heartbroken. Now, I know he doesn't have any friends at the Kindergarten but I just wish that just once a parent would reach out. We are always snubbed at kindergarten events and it is pretty devastating. Autism isn't catching guys. And I throw the best parties ever. Sure, we might not be able to attend, but the gesture would be nice. Ugh. Pity party.

Around noon today we will head to the Prater for a little bit. It is going to be hot hot hot and the shade will be good for us. Tonight I hope to go for a run. It has been almost a week since I hurt my heel so I am going to take it really really slow. After a run, and once the Kid is in bed, I will do some sewing for my Halloween costume while watching Pretty Little Liars. Yay!

Yesterday night I spent some time going through my Pinterest pins. I've pinned a lot and it was nice to see all the things I want and all the crafts I still have to do and I totally need a clone. I stumbled upon one pin I pinned a while back and had completely forgot about. If you have read this blog, you will all know how much I adore The Great Gatsby. The book I have read at least a dozen times and the Baz Luhrmann film has been watched a few times. All the feels, all the romance, all the big houses. So I found this little bad boy. It's on Etsy for 18 euros and I am so so tempted. But I will wait and show restraint. But isn't this necklace amahzing?! Yes.

In other news, this morning I woke up early and made some coffee. The household was silent and I sat on the sofa and just let myself think. I thought about Halloween decorations and then I started thinking about bats. I do like bats very much. Bats eat 1,000 bugs a day and bats can turn into Gary Oldman. We have three bats that fly by our kitchen window in the evening: Batsby, Bathoven and Darren. Maybe I could adopt them, bring them inside, teach them to pour wine and sit on my shoulders and snuggle. I don't see anything wrong with this plan... besides rabies. Something to think about. And so I will end this post so that I can get changed and get ready for our trip to Prater. Hope you all have a fabulous Sunday!


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