A Night Run to Remember and a Lost Tooth

Sup Wednesday evening? I am definitely fighting some type of cold or flu. Of course this is all Office Twin's fault. He has been sick the past week and has come into work and has of course infected me. I am hoping and praying this is just a case of me being over tired from, you know, moving faster than I usually do. Last night was the Night Run and I will get to that in a minute. But first, here is my asshole mommy news! Yesterday when I got home, the Nanny said "I didn't know he lost a tooth!" and I stopped and shrieked "HE LOST A TOOTH?!?!" and she said "Yes, yesterday. I thought you knew." and at that point I should have just added "Quite. Now ask Jeeves to pull up to the front. I must meet Mitzy before we go to the Hamptons." Ugh. Poor kiddo. We have no idea where it is. We are sure he swallowed it. And since he can't talk, we have no idea if it registered for him. He seems happy, the new tooth-free hole looks alright (a lot of shuddering was happening between both parents last night) but I missed a milestone and now I have the sads. I think what also kills me is that we can't do the whole Tooth Fairy thing because he wouldn't understand. There are moments like these that are truly the hardest but I know that we will reach other exciting moments with him. This is pretty much one of the only thoughts that keeps me going some mornings. He has been great the past couple of weeks and we are seeing slight developments. Just the other night we wanted yoghurt and I told him to get a spoon and he did it immediately. I also know that he plays me and pretends he can't do anything and I will pretty much do anything for him because helicopter mom.

So that was my asshole mommy moment. Not the first one and definitely not the last one. After the Husband came home last night, I put on my running shoes and headed to the center. I was meeting a friend so that we could both die doing a 5K. We met in front of the Burgtheater just past 8 and talked until we lined up just before 9. We agreed we would take it slow because a) it was our school night bedtime and b) she has a bad knee and I have a bad heel. I suggested we aim to run for 13 minutes, walk for a minute, then run for 11 and then walk for a minute and so on and so forth... or at least until we crossed the finish line. I told her "nobody needs to be a hero, tonight." We took deep breaths and started jogging.

Since we don't see much of each other because work, kids, and life, we talked the whole time. We did great the first 24 minutes and then we lost our wind. L.G. said "I wish I had prepared better for this!" and I said "I wish I had broken up with food months ago like I promised!" We ended up walking (and talking) for a bit and then sprinted at the end. I didn't push myself but I actually ended up having the best time. The last 2 5K's I have done have just about killed me but at the end of last night's race, I felt ok. I think I should aim to kill myself during the week and then at races, just aim to have fun. After our race, we headed to a Wuerstel stand but apparently all 20,000 people from the race had the same idea (and I don't do lines... ever) so we went to Crossfield's, grabbed seats outside and ordered beer. We toasted to each other for half ass completing the 5k and vowed to do it again next year... maybe. I got home around 11:30, took a shower and promptly passed out.

In the morning I was amazed that I was not sore and I stupidly went for a long early morning walk. Maybe this is why I am feeling sick? God, I hope I am not sick. I just texted Office Twin who is off sick: "You got me sick. You are dead to me... Hope you feel better... so that I can kill you." Followed by a smiley face... and then an angry face. That pretty much sums up our friendship: threats. The Husband is out again tonight so soon I will make myself a Lemsip drink, wash off my face spackle and put the Kid to bed. I have to fill out certificates for tomorrow evening's ABA Therapy Seminar. It starts at 6 tomorrow and will last a couple of hours. We are now expecting close to 25 people and that makes me so so so happy! Fingers crossed that it runs smoothly and that I don't say something stupid. Oh WHO AM I KIDDING?!?! Of course I will say something stupid. Especially since an autism Vienna VIP might be attending. Moth flame. Kaboom. In other news, I have my Halloween costume finally done. I posted a hint on Instagram and if you guessed Holly Golightly, you are awesome. This is the costume and I am stoked that this Halloween party I will be comfortable. Yay!

I must go and entertain the Kid with the missing tooth. I wish you all a fantastic Wednesday. Good thoughts that I am not actually sick and that it is just exhaustion. Nighty night!


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