So I'm Sick

This is going to be a short post because I am literally the sickest I have been in a long long time and in typical Tova fashion, I am trying to ignore it. And then I lie down and sleep and then wake up to write something on Facebook and then feel sick again and lie down. It is a vicious circle.

I have spent the majority of the last two days lying down and I am incredibly grateful for the Kid's kindergarten and the Nannies because I am able to lock myself in the bedroom and wrap myself in blankets and sleep. Ugh. I think I have been fighting this since Thursday. I was incredibly emotional Thursday afternoon and on Friday morning before Feschmarkt, I took a mid morning nap and sobbed uncontrollably during a Monk episode. Friday night I went out to an awesome party (which I will write about in another post) and then Saturday and Sunday I was at Feschmarkt. By Sunday afternoon I was practically speaking in tongues and fell asleep by 8:30 with a fever.

Monday I brought the Kid to daycare and assumed I would sleep off whatever it was that was causing me insane fatigue and a killer throat ache but I was wrong. I made an appointment with my doctor Tuesday morning and well, it turns out I have an upper respiratory tract infection. Yaay me! I am now on antibiotics and I am desperately waiting for them to kick in. I hate being so inactive and I am so bummed I am missing a concert tonight at Mosaique. I am sure this is the universe telling me to slow down but I'm the boss of me. I told you body, I have two weeks off at Christmas, I can be sick then! But no, my body couldn't wait. So now I am wearing flannel and sounding like Kathleen Turner. Actually, that's not such a bad side effect. I should make some phone calls... sexy phone calls.

Yesterday I watched Austenland. Boo. Boourns. Terrible. There was so much potential but it fizzled and died, just like that show Felicity. Learn your lesson Keri Russel. BOOOO! I also watched Sense and Sensibility and bawled my eyes out once again and that scene with Alan Rickman and Kate Winslet... gah! RIGHT IN THE FEELS!

I decided that today would be another costume drama so I chose Dangerous Liaisons. I loved this film when I was a teenager. I had a creepy crush on John Malkovich and loved the costumes. It has been about 20 years (shut up) since I first saw this film and it is just like I remembered. And again I cried. What is in these antibiotics? I'm a hot mess and acting like I actually like romance. Blergh. I wish I could write all about Feschmarkt and the party I went to on Friday but that will have to wait. Just sitting up and typing is making me feel nauseous. I am totally having a pity party and you are all invited. Wear a hazmat suit and tell me I'm pretty. Catch you all on the flip side. Maybe I should watch Fatal Attraction tonight to man up.


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