Hello Weekend!

It has felt like a very very long week. I am so excited that it is Friday and that my only plans for the rest of the evening involve a face mask and an episode of Ladies of London and maybe some work. This weekend for the most part will be pretty chillaxed until madness hits on Tuesday. I was telling a friend over PM what my plans were for the next couple of days earlier today and she was like "Your life is so exciting right now!" and I guess she is right. I have been so busy that I haven't really had much time to just sit back and take it all in.

Yesterday after work, I jumped into a taxi and headed over to The House of Canada headquarters because, as I mentioned, a photographer was coming to take our pictures for an awesome website. I decided to add to my usual BLACK ALL THE TIME IN THE WINTER look by adding red plaid tights and a Canadian scarf... paired with my fake fur vest of course. As we sped through Vienna and past incredible Baroque buildings, the taxi driver blasted Mozart and I had one of those Ilovethiscitysomuchdon'tyoueverchange moments. I gave the guy a huge tip because he had given me all the feels. Maybe this is his thing... like the time I pretended I was going to law school back when I was a waitress in front of customers. Don't judge me.

When I showed up, I was ready to Vogue.. kind of. The photographer showed up and the 3 of us House of Canada peeps stood in front of the show window and it was go time. Ugh. I am the worst at this. I tried the whole Instagrammy fashion blogger standing up crossing leg over other leg stance. I did the folded arms I am business woman pose. I did the I am Hipster hear me sigh look. The other two people looked amazing. I looked like this. STUPID DOUBLE CHIN STOP EATING TOVA!

The photographer was a great guy and after about an hour we decided to head next door to Da Peppino. I would like to have thought that after seeing pictures of myself looking like I had eaten myself, I would have sat at the restaurant and would have ordered a sparkling water... but no, I am the boss of me and I ordered a beer and a pizza. Bring it!! The pizza was out of this world and one of the few places in Vienna that actually serves real Italian pizza with real fresh mozarella. Oh be still my heart. Well, it sure is racing after all the crap I have been eating. After my dinner of health, I had to split and run to the Weinplateau for a ladies wine night. I couldn't stay long because I was exhausted but it was great to see some awesome and familiar and kind faces and to get some laughs in. I headed home just before nine and soon fell asleep, dreaming of liposuction and a face lift.

And then, of course, the Kid woke up at 3 a.m. As a parent, there is nothing sweeter than hearing your child's laughter. It is a reminder that your child is happy and care free and you feel, for just a little while, that you might actually be doing something right. A child's laugh lifts your heart and makes you smile. However, your child's laughter at 3 in the morning, for lack of better term, is creepy as fuck.

I have no idea what got into him but for close to 2 hours, he guffawed to himself. I kept walking into his room wishing I was Catholic so that I could tote a cross and some holy water because I was convinced some kind of stand up comedian ghost was entertaining the Kid. Finally at 5 he fell asleep again after he came into our bed and I just stayed awake, watching him... on edge. I had to wake him up again at 7 and he was having.none.of.that so we decided to cancel his therapy lesson, I ran him to daycare after all the kvetching, blessed him and then ran to work. I am totally praying the same thing doesn't happen tonight or else we are going to have to call an excorcist or something.

After a long day today and with very little sleep, I had to head to an interview. This was not a job interview but rather an interview for an article about Autism in Vienna for the upcoming Vienna Ball of Sciences magazine. I am so grateful that this is going to be featured because I am so determined to get the word out. My short term goal is to create a network and workshops and my long term goal is to finally set up a location but that is going to take some time, a business plan and an eccentric millionaire to fund my dream. In the interim, this will have to all happen on the side and I am super super excited to announce our first workshop on December 6th entitled Communication interventions for children with autism. It is open to anybody and will be in English. It will start at 3 p.m. and will last about 2 hours and the total cost is 20 euros per person. I am super excited that this is happening but just a teeny tiny worried there will be the specialist leading the workshop and just me plus the awesome psychology student helping us out. So spread the word because this is going to be a great workshop!! For more details; check the Autism in Vienna FB page or e-mail me at tmspatz@gmail.com.

So that is it for now. I will be going spinning tomorrow which I am super excited about and then I have to pick up some things for Feschmarkt. I hope you all have a fabulous night and now it is time to sprinkle salt around the Kid's bed and put on some Clarins. Nighty night!


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