
So how's it going? What's new out there? Have fashions changed? Are there any sales? Are the lights up on the Graben? I have the Internet so not all is lost but wow, do I feel like I am on another planet. Some people act dignified and stoic when they are sick. I, on the other hand, act like a kraken. A full out bitchy, whiny kraken.

I am frustrated, I am exhausted and I am starting to wonder if I am taking antibiotics or candy because nothing seems to be working. I Googled "How long do antibiotics take to work?" and nobody on the interwebs could give me a concrete answer and I also have to wonder why so many pharmacists seem to be spending their time on Yahoo answers. Anyway. This truly has been the sickest I have been in in years and I am not happy. I know that with so much tragedy happening in the world right now, I should be grateful that I have safety, security and the resources to dope the shit out of myself but I am in full self pity mode and I hate myself for that.

I thought my kryptonite was cheese but it turns out it is also chronic exhaustion. There is so much for me to do and I have gone from 18 hour days to 6 hour days and those 6 hour days are mostly spent watching films I have already watched. This is the first time since Sunday I can actually write a little and even then, I am going to have to take a break soon. I HATE THIS!! The Kid is now sick too but he is being a champ but that also means he was home this morning so there was a lot of disciplining from the sofa. I need to get a long stick to tap him off the dining room table and window sills. He also thinks it is highlarious to come running at me full speed and throwing himself on top of me. Ever had a 45 pound bag of squealing sand knock the wind out of you? No? So fun. Thank God the Nanny was able to come this afternoon so I could lock myself in the bedroom for a few hours and try and get my second nap in.

So while I can't write anything overly amusing at this point, I can tell you that I have watched a couple more movies these last couple of days. On Tuesday night I watched Deadbolt. Now, I watched this when I was a teenager and I don't know why I thought it was a great film but I think I was going through that phase where stalky creepy obsessive men were considered hot. Actually... I might not have grown out of that phase. I am just grateful that Twilight wasn't around when I was a pre-teen. I would have been throwing glitter on iron deficient boys screaming "I'LL BE YOUR BELLA!" So yeah, I watched the film and I realized that there is a difference between creepy and homicidal. And terrible film, a really really terrible film. Since I was on a nostalgic run, I decided that last night I would watch another film I watched as a teenager. Back when I lived in Vienna in the 90's, we had only a couple of English channels and one of them was the Turner Classic Movies one. Oh man did I love this channel. Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Judy Garland, Jimmy Stewart, Gene Kelly. I could watch those movies forever and they unfortunately created a very false perception of what romance actually is. Pretty sure Jimmy Stewart never said "Hey, wanna come over and make out? I think I got some leftover pizza in the fridge, too."

But one film that stood out for me was Gaslight. I remember the first time I watched it. I think I expected it to be a romantic comedy and boy was I WRONG. Starring the incredibly beautiful Ingrid Bergman and the impossibly young Jessica Fletcher of Cabot Cove (oh alright, Angela Lansbury), the story starts with an opera singer strangled in her house in London and her orphaned niece (Ingrid) is sent to Italy to become a singer. Ten years later the niece returns to the house with her new European husband and then the craziness starts. The film is black and white and set in the late 1800's and it is spectacular!! I am so glad I watched it again and that it was just as good as I remembered it. Unlike you Deadbolt, you suck.

Now that another night of lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself approaches, my options for watching a film are varied. I did write one friend that I was considering watching 50 Shades of Grey and now I don't think we are friends anymore. I am considering watching Emma too. But really, I want to watch a film I saw around the same time I watched Gaslight but I cannot remember the name and it is driving me NUTSO! I think it stars Doris Day and she is married to a concert pianist but he is possessive and psychotic (I am sensing a theme here). It is like  Sleeping with the Enemy but set in the 60s. I have Googled but I have been unable to find the name. Somebody help me out before I am forced to watch Varsity Blues.

Well, I fell asleep after the above gif and woke up to the Kid coughing. Our lovely psychology student had just arrived and when I heard that the Kid's coughing was on overdrive. I decided to come out of my crypt and suggest we postpone the session when the Kid went full Exorcist and threw up everywhere. The poor Kid and the poor psychology student. So the Nanny has gone home and so has the student and now the Kid and I are whimpering on the sofa together. I put on Mickey's Christmas Carol because it is that time of year again. I was curious to see if he would remember it. He does. But the blasted DVD keeps stopping so I keep hearing piercing screams of outrage. Poor little guy. I hope tonight is painless... for both of us. Keep us in your thoughts.

So that is it for now. I hope I magically wake up tomorrow and feel better! I need adult interaction! I need to wear a bra again! And make up! And heels!

And before I forget, a big big thank you to Metropole magazine for running the ad for the Autism in Vienna page. Metropole is an English language magazine that you can pick up at your local Trafik and it actually looks like an interesting read!


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