Photo Shoot Tomorrow and Can I Lose 15 Pounds Tonight?

I think the answer to that question is a strong NO. I just found out a couple of days ago from the lovely CEO of The House of Canada that we are going to be shot. Yes, yes, I mean, have our pictures shot but in my mind, it kind of is like getting shot. Or at least, getting caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. I am not a model, I have never been a model, I will never be a model... and maybe I would have paused back on Monday when I heard about the photo session and said to myself "Well, just green smoothies for me until Thursday!" but no, I decided that the best option was to turn to cheese. Awesome. So now I am even bloatier than I was on Monday and now my picture will be forever captured on the Interwebs. Good job, Tova.

The pictures will be featured on a website and I cannot wait to share the link when it is published just don't look at me, look at the other two people: they are prettier. I'm trying to push for the "It's so cold I might as well wear layers everywhere and even on my face" look but I don't think that is going to happen. I even bought a pair of hipster glasses thinking I would embody Zooey Deschanel. I was wrong. I look like Henry Kissinger.

So after work tomorrow I am jumping into a cab to head on over to The House of Canada to get my fat ass photographed. After that, I am heading to a Women's Night at the Weinplateau. Twice in one week? It's a tough life. I won't be staying late because after work on Friday, I am being interviewed about Autism in Vienna and truly my life is like what right now?!?

I keep having these moments when I realize that I am truly loving what I am doing right now and that I truly wish I could do it full time. Sure, I am exhausted but I am loving these side projects so much and I realize what my strengths are... writing e-mails, annoying people who won't respond to said e-mails, meeting new people, working on product lines, writing my blog, helping out with social media (badly), going to events, wearing onesies and bitching about getting my picture taken. Total bliss. Being thrown out of my comfort zone over and over again has been incredible.. terrifying...but still incredible. I totally recommend it. But don't follow my lead because you might actually end up on the news. Still hasn't happened yet but there is always next week! This weekend we have our first real session with a speech therapist and I am pretty excited and about to get a lot poorer. Come on book deal! Or come on something that pays the good money. Maybe I could claim to have been with Ben Affleck but come on now, everybody has been with Ben Affleck. Ouch. Burn. Wait. Wait. That's what she said. Ha. God, I should get an early night. I am terrible today.

On Sunday evening I am actually meeting someone who heard about my blog through my friend's article from the New York Post. She is in Vienna now and asked if I wanted to meet up and I was like "YES! YES I DO!" She obviously has impeccable taste. Heh. On Tuesday is a very very very important event that I have been invited to. It is another book launch but this one will have a sober Tova.. at least at the beginning. I CANNOT WAIT! And I am even going to get my make up did before the event.. and I will eat something too because based on last week's performance, I can't be trusted on an empty stomach. I can't wait to tell you all about it! I am definitely going to try and take it easy this weekend because next weekend the Kid will wonder where that shouty woman has gone to because I will be helping out The House of Canada at Feschmarkt! Woot! Y'all have to come by and visit and buy stuff. I will be so exhausted after those 3 plus days but I have to keep reminding myself that I will have 2 whole weeks off at Christmas and then I can get some quality sofa time in... while finishing my blasted book. Now it is time for me to put my feet up, put on a face mask and watch some Ladies of London which I am currently obsessed with. Season 1 was good, season 2 is EVERYTHING! Nighty night!


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