The Importance of Gratitude

I am a big fan of The Secret. The idea is that the power of attraction runs da Universe. Simply put, you put out good thoughts and you will get good things back. I started following the Secret a few years back and I think it has had a profound effect on how I view the world, from my eyes, from my point of view. A friend suggested I try out The Magic (an offshoot of the Secret) a few months ago and I loved it as well. Even though I completed the 28 day task, I continue to write 10 things I am grateful for every night. I keeps my life in perspective and stops me from holding a pillow over the Husband's face while he sleeps. I also have a bit of a mantra for my daily life.

 - Always always always express gratitude. When you receive a gift, or a co-worker helps you out, someone does something nice for you - it takes two seconds to say thank you. And try to go the extra mile and write a quick thank you as well. Or buy them a coffee. People want to feel valued and to be recognise for doing something nice. Make people feel good. It is so easy.

-Don't be jealous. Someone will always be more successful, richer, thinner, blonder, funnier (bitches) so what is the point in giving yourself an ulcer. Jealousy is counter productive. When great things happen to my friends, I am genuinely happy and thrilled for them. Probably because I can then say "see, I told you so." I can be so smug.

-Smile. When I have a bad day, I go into a bathroom stall or an empty room and smile for a full minute. I'm talking Joker-Jack Nicholson-I will cut you in an alley smile. This is why I have to be alone when I do this. Pyschologically after a minute, I truly feel better. Try it, it works.

-Be grateful. Write 10 things that you are grateful for every day. You'll be surprised how much you have to be grateful for. Bandaids, for example.

Those are my tools to get through everday and I am truly a happy sunny disposition madame of the funness type of person. And it shows. Right? I'll cut you if you disagree. Off to work on my Vision Board!


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