Well Hello 2013!

I'm up! It is 7:30 a.m. on New Year's Day. Tired? Yes. But I'm feeling ready for this year!

2012 was an interesting year. I started working again, the Kid started daycare, the Kid infected us with a multitude of diseases. It was by far the most exhausting year, even challenging one, but I think 2012 was a "prep" year. Meaning, I think I've laid the groundwork for something absolutely awesome in 2013. Something, anything!

And it wouldn't be a New Year's Day post without a list of resolutions. I like resolutions because I like lists. Lists keep me sane. I list everything. I list you not.

1) Get to my final goal weight! Over Christmas I set my mouth on high and hoovered everything on sight. Good thing we don't own rodents, they wouldn't have survived. I went a little nutso with the cookies and the cakes and the hot chocolate and the White Russians and the candy and the pasta and the pizza and the cheese and the... well... you get the point! And so dear friends, I have decided to cut out refined carbs and sugar for the next few weeks in a bid to get my svelte on. I started December 30th so that I could wake up on the 1st and be slightly smug. I am slightly smug.

2) Work hard. Craft hard. Clean hard. Sums that up.

3) Learn to say no.

4) Continue to be a good wife, mother, friend.

5) Challenge myself with new projects and adventures.

6) Budget. If the Husband read this blog he would be nodding vigorously.

I love resolutions!

In other news:

Dear friends, today I start Operation Tubetop Bootcamp. Gym visits, good eating and self control. Who's with me?!? Bueller? Bueller?


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