Visiting the Gyno

As women, we all have to do it. It ain't fun but it is neccessary. This holiday season I am reminding you to visit your gyno- it could save your life. Breast exams too, ladies! I had my appointment yesterday. In Austria you go every 6 months for a punani check up. I always feel like I should have had a couple of drinks before the appointment. I rarely let the Husband hug me until I've had a couple of glasses of wine and yet I'm expected to be completely sober while being fondled by an almost stranger? Where's the romance?

I like to dress up before my appointments. My doc has an incredible looking waiting room, with incredible looking patients and I refuse to feel like a hobbit once again. See below for Winter outfit for gyno visit. Note the Chanel earrings. I do not have genital piercings nor the feeling of joy about seeing the dr.

Going to the gyno is not fun and in Europe, it is even more awkward for this North American. They don't give you gowns. One time I went to a gyno who had an incredible office - jazz, antiques and perhaps an ashtray?!? Anyway, I wore a dress and heels for the appointment (I had just come from work) and was directed to undress behind the screen. The actual examination room was this enormous high-ceiling beautiful room with a chair in the middle. As I undressed I wondered "Do I keep the shoes on? Barefoot would be weird, right? But heels and nudity? I don't know what to do!!!" it took me a few minutes to decide on shoes and shuffled across the decadent room to the chair. I felt like I was in a terrible foreign film.

My newer gyno has a much better layout but I will never get over being propped up in a fancy lazy-boy style chair with a light shining on my nether regions while making small talk. That's usually a 4 drink minimum in this household. Oppam Gyno Style!


  1. Holy crap,I didn't see this before writing you the email earlier, but apparently the nudity factor doesn't just stay in the operating room!! Every 6 months is interesting for the check up's, in the US it's once a year and in the UK they're now only doing it once every 2 years for most women. And you looked very nice for your visit!

  2. The gyno experience is always not that good for everyone. But since you managed it appreciable. This blog would help alot for expecting.


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