Two More Nights to Go!

Well, 2 more sleeps and then the Husband will be home. It has gone, for the most part, pretty well. Friday morning sucked and this morning I had to keep the Kid home from kindergarten again. This high fiber diet took hold a little too much this morning and so I wrote the Nanny asking if she could come at 12. For the most part the Kid is just fine so that is good, but I did not want to take him to kindergarten, only to be called to head back and pick him up. I have to work later tonight and then when I get home, I will make myself some dinner and keep reading my book... By the way, absolutely besotted with The Beguiled. I am not usually a fan of Civil War books or films (save for Gone With The Wind (which I will get to in a bit)) but this book is incredibly written and I am not sure why I never had heard about it before. Well, maybe because I get most of my intellectual stimulation from celebrity gossip websites.

But I can't put this book down. And after looking at the cast for the new film, I am not sure why they omitted the important character of Mattie. I think I will watch the film though... unless it is gory. I remember back in middle school, when we I lived with my parents here in Vienna, and we were told to pick a film and a book for class. I decided to pick up Gone With The Wind (solely based on the cover) and while the book took forever, the film solidified my obsession with clothes and columns on houses. I watched that film, which was broken into 2 VHS tapes, and was smitten. I even watched the craptastic made for TV film about Margaret Mitchell starring Shannon Doherty: so obsessed I was. So maybe The Beguiled is a throwback to that easier time for me... sure, I didn't love middle school... but I sure did love the evenings curled up in bed, worrying only about a biology test and whether Rhett and Scarlet would end up together... and not worrying about the future of my son. But I have to know that anything could happen. Even a miracle. Not worth worrying about it today, though.

It is easy to stress over the future: the Kid is starting a new school in September and it is terrifying me. I want to enjoy these next two months as much as I can before we go through such a huge change. It will be an adjustment and I will need to stock up on wine but I will take as many deep breaths as I can and we will get through this. Right? Right. Sob. Funny enough, his future school just called to confirm bus pick up. I am not good at speaking on the phone, especially in German, so I am going to go ahead and pat myself on the back for accomplishing that this morning. Pat. Pat. I think the way I deal with stress is to find a project. Please refer to: Creating an Autism Center in Vienna. It makes me feel in control of our situation. I am still trying to raise money and that is something I never realized would be so difficult and so incredibly frustrating. In the interim, I am working on a couple of other projects for autism in Vienna: one with a museum and another with an organization working with children with special needs. Yesterday I had a quick meeting at the museum and it was great! I feel like this will be a big step to inclusiveness and I can't wait to share the news once all the details are hammered out. Last night was another screening of Life Animated at the Filmcasino but I ended up not going unfortunately. I will, however, be at the sensory friendly screening on the afternoon of the 9th. Third time's a charm.

Monday was a day off for me. The Kid was great at kindergarten and at around noon, I headed out to do a little shopping and then meet a couple of friends for lunch. We met at Erich and sat outside in the gorgeous church square. I had 2 different types of tacos, grilled halloumi and corn on the cob. The food was amazing and yes, I ate too much. It was nice to be a lady who lunches with other lovely ladies for once. After the lunch, I headed to Craft Wines to quickly catch up with a friend and buy a bottle of wine. And then a stop for a quick spritzer and then home to make the Kid dinner. I have enjoyed the quiet nights in... I think they were needed... but I am also looking forward to running again and going back to hot yoga. Perhaps this week alone with the Kid has taught me a few things a) I am still an o.k. mom b) The Husband is a great partner for raising the Kid c) I am not good at eating healthy foods when I am on my own. Pizza eaten in a dark room, hiding from the Kid, is not a mature and adult way of life. d) I am too short to change the light bulb in the bathroom even with a ladder and finally e) Sometimes solitude is a good thing. Starting today, I am going to be a lot better eating wise and as of Saturday, exercise will be a priority once again.

So only 2 more nights to go and then I will have a little more flexibility and a little less room in bed. But sometimes we need to get outside of our comfort zones to realize our strengths. One of those strengths is eating pizza in the dark. I hope you all have a fabulous day and if you are in Vienna, don't worry, colder weather is on its way! Toodles!


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