About the Other Night and a Great Kid

Hello Monday! Today is a work holiday which is absolute bliss. O.K., maybe I have spent most of the morning writing e-mails, freaking out when looking out the window when I couldn't see the Kid in the kindergarten garden (helicopter mom, extraordinaire!), and trying to plan the next couple of weeks. Since June has been kind of a crappy month, it is hard for me to relax when the Kid is in kindergarten. I keep having to check my phone. I do not like this feeling, Sam I am, I do not like it at all.

The good news is that Magnum P.I. was on and that was a funny coincidence because just the other day, a friend who lives in Hawaii posted a picture of the beach and I wrote "One day I am totally visiting you!" and she wrote back "Of course!" and then, because I have problems, I wrote "But I have to be able to call you Higgins." and she totally got the reference. Cough. After my morning at home, I will head to Mariahilferstrasse to stop by Thalia. I am going to give cross stitch a try because it will be something to do while watching TV. ALWAYS MUST BE DOING SOMETHING! ALWAYS! I'll let you all know how that goes. After that I will head to Erich to meet a couple of ladies for lunch. Look at me, a lady who lunches. One day, one day. After that, I will stop by Craft Wines to see a friend. Originally she was going to come for dinner but the Kid has been on a good streak and I want to keep things as normal as possible until the Husband gets back. He always gets a little hyper when we have company. So sadly I had to cancel. But other than that, this is a pretty good day. So how was the weekend? I'm glad you asked...

Besides Friday morning being absolutely shiteous, the rest of the weekend the Kid was a super star. He slept in on Saturday and woke up in a fantastic mood. I was still a little worried due to his stomach issues and short freak out the day before but he seemed fine. Around 11 we took a walk through the neighbourhood and stopped for some ice cream at Veganz. The last few times that I have bought some scoops, the Kid hasn't been interested in having any. The Husband pointed out that maybe because I chose chocolate and peanut butter (THE BEST) flavours and maybe the Kid would prefer a fruit flavoured one. Ugh. What's the point, really? But I decided to be a good mother and I bought a scoop of strawberry. I passed him a spoonful, he took a taste and then gave me a withering look. O.K. I guess ice cream just isn't your thing, Kiddo. So now I was stuck with strawberry.

After our walk we went back home and I worked on a couple of things, gave the Kid a bath to cool down and then at 5:30, the babysitter came and I headed to der Fuchs und die Trauben for dinner. Now, about a year and a half ago, we had a similar dinner at der Fuchs. This time, a couple of people were missing and 2 new people were joining. I was sure we would not be able to capture the magic that occurred at that last dinner. I was wrong, we not only captured it, we made it our bitch. My God was it a wild dinner and probably the only reason we were not asked to leave is that our friend owns the restaurant. So there we were, 6 mature adults who all used to go to the American International School. All with jobs, a few of us married, at least one parent (I think that was me), well traveled, well read and yet, somehow, we fell into a black hole of absolute madness and inappropriateness. The laughter did not stop once. I can't even begin to describe the conversations because there was no method to our madness... but there were some zingers and winners and I hope to God nobody was truly listening because they would think we are the biggest group of assholes this side of the Alps. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time and I would say it was cheaper than therapy but I spent a lot of money on babysitting and drinks so I guess it's a tie. I had told the group at the beginning that I was heading to a party at 9:15 and when that time rolled around, I said "Y'all can join me!" and they were up for it. We paid our bill, and then walked over to Mariahilferstrasse. I didn't know what to expect except I knew that it was an anniversary party for a jeans company taking place in a courtyard and a friend had invited me along.. so like a jerk, I invited more people.

We showed up at 9:40 and it was AMAZING! There was a country band playing in the courtyard and there were bales of hay and...wait for it... a mechanical bull! LIKE WHAT?!?! My friends, luckily after many many drinks, were pleased at this randomness in central Vienna. The company is called Gebrüder Stitch and they make some amazing jeans and host awesome parties. We were in need of more drinks (well, need is not the right word here) and we entered the atelier where there was a bar set up. I ordered a beer and took out my wallet and the guy was like "No, it's free." and I was like "THIS IS THE BEST PARTY IN THE WORLD!!!" and then turned to my friends and whispered (probably not) "GUYS! THE DRINKS ARE FREE! FREE DRINKS!!" We got our beers and headed outside to take in the mechanical bull riding competition. With very little goading, one friend climbed aboard. Now, he was on a western TV show a couple of years back so I had high hopes for him. The bull started and he was the picture of concentration. 51 seconds, he lasted and that put him in a tie for first place. He told me later that he never actually did his own stunts for the TV show so I guess that's why he ended up being beat by a very tatted up hipster half an hour later.

More friends showed up and I think I kept saying "THIS IS SO FUN! I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO GO HOME!" but alas, I had to go home. I said good bye and ran out on to Mariahilferstrasse to catch a cab home and let the babysitter go home. Boy, it probably is a good thing that I had a time limit because I might have ended up on that bull... or worse... with alcohol poisoning. The next morning the Kid woke up at 7 and made his own breakfast and plans for the day.. ahahaha.. No. No, he did not. I crawled out of bed and made some coffee and winced and minced. I gave him breakfast and then we snuggled on the sofa as I died. Around 10:30 I decided to take a walk with him just so that I could get some fresh air and that he wouldn't turn into veal with the lack of movement. We got home, I made him lunch and then got to moving some furniture around to finish my mini living room make over. The Kid was a saint and was able to keep himself entertained. I was about to consider taking him on another walk when he heavens above suddenly opened up. It was AWESOME! I love a good storm and I was just at the end of my rope with the heat wave. And it brought the apartment temperature down to 26. The day went by surprisingly fast and at 8 I put the Kid to bed, thanked him for being such an awesome boy during the weekend, and then went to the sofa to watch Pretty Little Liars. Absolute perfection. After the show, I crawled into bed and started reading The Beguiled because the film looks amazing but I don't like being scared. So far I am loving the book and I don't know why I have never heard of it before. It was the perfect end to a very good weekend.

Tomorrow I am back at work and then in the afternoon I have a meeting at a Vienna museum. The idea for an autism friendly hour was approved and now I will be meeting with the marketing guy to figure out how to advertise it. After that I will run home and get changed because then I will be heading to the Filmcasino for the premiere of Life Animated. I missed the last one and unfortunately I can only stay for the start. But at least there will be another viewing on the 9th and this time a sensory friendly version. I am overjoyed that the concept for a sensory friendly movie afternoon is finally happening. When I rented the theater last December, I wasn't sure if I could make this a more common occurrence but look at us now! Woot! The more we can get companies on board, the better it will be for the community. I also have an exciting meeting next week to collaborate with another organization dealing with children with special needs so that is great! So there you have it, I'm busy as always, but at least the Kid seems happier and things seem definitely brighter. Just a few more sleeps until the Husband is back from the cruise and then I can definitely relax more! Have a fantastic Monday! Toodles!


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