The Final Stretch!

Well, Kiddo, we did it! This evening the Husband is back home! The Kid was an absolute joy this past week. Besides his short freak out last Friday morning, and having to keep him home on Wednesday (behaviour wise, he was perfect), he was happy and calm and buddy, it was a real pleasure working with you. I can honestly say it went a million times better than I thought it would go. I am not usually a fatalist but with June being a rough month for him, I was worried I would end up hitting the scotch every night. Yes, I hit the wine every night... but like a lady.

I think I very much also enjoyed my quiet evenings at home. I sat on the sofa, watched mindless TV and/or read a book. I lit candles, I checked my face for wrinkles, and I ate a lot of crap. But I am glad that the Husband will be coming back because otherwise I would end up gaining a ton more weight and rarely leave the house. As I wrote up above, the Kid was amazing. i know a lot of it had to do with his digestion improving. Yes, some days that digestion was just a little tooooo good but otherwise, he is back to his old self. Our doctor prescribed Optifibre and whatever it is made of, it has helped so much. I have to cut back on the dosage because otherwise he will look like a Calvin Klein model soon. But yay for fibre! Thanks for bringing me back my sweet and lovely little boy. I can't believe this week is over. The only time I broke down was on Wednesday night but that was not the Kid's fault. On Wednesday I was on a cover shift and most of the time, I am able to leave by 6:30... not this time, though. I ended up working past 8 and I kept texting the Nanny and saying "I am so so so sorry. So sorry!" She is a champ and kept telling me it was fine. Just past 8 I was able to leave so I flew out of work. I got on the Ubahn and of course there was a very drunk couple arguing in front of me and I could just imagine being knocked over the head with a bottle. I was already a wreck because I hadn't had time to pick up more wine (not an alcoholic, by the way) and when I was just in front of the apartment, the wind picked up and some dirt got in my eye. WORST DAY EVER! The Kid was overjoyed to see me and I thanked the Nanny repeatedly. I put him to bed and went into the kitchen forlornly, wondering if I could ferment a bunch of grapes in my crockpot, when I realized I still had some rose wine in the fridge! THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE!! (not an alcoholic, by the way).

The Kid slept beautifully and in the morning I brought him to kindergarten. After work I met a friend at Cafe Latte to talk about a family photo shoot. The last time we had our family picture taken was 6 years ago so I figure it is time. When I booked our session with the talented and lovely Claire Morgan, I told her I wanted a Film Noir feeling. I did not want a Gap commercial. And she immediately agreed. We met at the Rathaus with its Neo Gothic architecture on a chilly October afternoon and the pictures turned out beautifully. This time I wanted to capture a different vibe so when I met with Ida (who took my pictures back in January) I told her I wanted a Southern Gothic photo shoot. She googled that and was like "You want to set a house on fire?" and she must have thought I had lost my mind. I told her to scroll through Pinterest and she would understand what I meant. I want the light to be soft and for it to feel southern: like Savannah or Charleston. The park that we live on (Drasche Park) looks spectacular in the summer and is overgrown and surrounded by beautiful balconies that give it a bit of a deep south feel. I am not going for antebellum or Gone With the Wind (racist undertones and not a great time in history, y'all), but more for the heat and vegetation and sundowners and porches. This sounds all very confusing but you will know what I mean when you see the pictures. I told her the best way to understand the mood is by watching Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and True Blood and she knew what I meant. And no, there will be no vampires.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Kid will react and I am now waiting for a couple of cheap dresses I ordered on Amazon. Now I really need to lose weight. Which is totally the plan when the Husband gets back. I need an adult in the house! After my meeting, I headed home and the Kid was in a spectacular mood. His aides taught him a sign to raise his arms which means he wants me to lift up a blanket so that he can crawl under it. Guys, I am finally able to play a game with my kid. It's amazing. And my arms are going to look spectacular! I made myself some pizza, poured myself some wine and the Kid played with a puzzle and watched cartoons. At 8 I put him to bed and then sat on the sofa and read some more of my book. Just after 9, Columbo started and you all know that I love me some Columbo. By 10 I was exhausted and I crawled into bed and passed out. I did it. Last night on my own.

This morning has been lovely with the Kid. The kindergarten is closed today (I took the day off) so it is just me and the Kid, playing with his blanket. At noon the Nanny will come for a couple of hours so that I can run some errands and then this evening, the Husband will be home. I am sure he will notice the little tweaks that I have made around the apartment so I will yell out "SURPRISE!" so he can't be angry. Right? Right. Tomorrow I am heading to a heurige called Fuhrgassl Huber for a bit of a school reunion. That should be fun and I will do my best not to overdo it. I will try. Really really try. In other news, I am back to writing my book. I am half way done and my plan is to finish it by the end of the summer. I have written publishing houses and agents but no luck. So I have made the decision to self publish. It is exciting and a little intimidating. The working title is Mother Fiaker. Fiaker is the term for the Viennese horse and carriage... just in case you were wondering. Heh. And if you like this blog, you will probably like the book.. sadly without gifs. So there you have it. The week is over and we did it. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Toodles!


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