June, You are Killing Me

It has been a shiteous few weeks. The Kid had a freak out last Wednesday, and then on Friday again. The kindergarten called and asked for him to be picked up again and that led to me having an absolute panic. As I mentioned before, we aren't sure what are causing these freak outs but I decided to say "fuck it, you are going gluten free." Well, not completely because the Kindergarten aren't able to accommodate his diet. It's not really all about being gluten free but adding more whole and clean foods to his diet. On Saturday I purged the kitchen of junk food and on Saturday afternoon the Kid spent most of his time opening the fridge and cupboards in confusion. He kept looking at me like "Bitch, where's the food? Are we poor now?"

But save for an early morning short freak out on Saturday, he was great the rest of the weekend and even did something incredible on Sunday morning. I was putzing around and suddenly noticed he wasn't making much noise... always a clear indication that something that I love is about to be destroyed accidentally. I walked into the living room and he was sitting on the floor actually playing with a puzzle. He had gone to his room and chosen it and then played with it with no prompting at all. He hasn't done this in close to 4 years so I went absolutely crazy with joy. I praised him, took a picture for social media (because, famewhore, of course) and then praised him some more. He smiled, got up and ran around the living room once and then did the puzzle again. And so I praised him again. By the 7th time, I had to lessen my praise but my God was I proud of him. I guess he figured that out because he carried that damn puzzle around the apartment for the next 4 hours. Bless him.

On Monday, the Husband stayed home with the Kid. We weren't going to try and risk a freak out at kindergarten again. When he picked up the Kid on Friday, they suggested he get a colonoscopy. When the Husband told me this I might have said something like "When did they get their medical licence?" I was ticked. The Husband made an appointment with our doctor and on Monday midday, he headed there with the Kid to get him checked out. I don't know many details but I don't think the Kid was not too obliging. The doctor did not prescribe a colonoscopy (no shit, literally) but rather a powdered fiber thing that he should take for the next 3 weeks. Then we will have to do more tests if it doesn't make a difference. I think he will be just fine. I say this out of hope. Yesterday he went back to kindergarten and I watched my phone the whole time until he was picked up by the Nanny at 1. Ugh. I am inhaling food non-stop out of stress. This ends now, by the way. We will see how he was today. Fingers crossed.

Tomorrow the Husband leaves on holiday for just over a week. It will be fine. It will be fine. IT WILL BE FINE. Sure, I might end up with scurvy and most likely will electrocute myself at some point. I don't do well alone. But I am going to be a big girl and suck it up and try and make sure I have a vegetable at least once a day. The Kid is going to love that he is stuck with the less disciplinary one of us (good sentence there, Tova.) and I am going to make sure that he doesn't Lord of the Flies us inadvertently. For my first night alone, I think I will make boxed mac and cheese paired with a full bodied Italian wine. Like Home Alone but with alcohol. Friday night will be also a quiet one at home and on Saturday, in the evening, a babysitter is coming over so that I can go out and meet some old school friends for dinner at Der Fuchs und Die Trauben. After that, I am stopping by a bbq before heading home. Sunday I will be painting some side tables and taking the Kid out so that he doesn't go bananas. And Monday is a work holiday so I am incredibly excited about having some quiet time at home in the morning....this is all of course dependent on whether the Kid can keep it together at kindergarten.

In other news, I have another meeting coming up with a museum here in Vienna. My proposal for an autism friendly hour has been accepted and now I have to meet with marketing. I am also still plugging the Filmcasino for their upcoming sensory friendly events. Because things have been so crappy recently, I haven't had much willpower to live... I mean plan stuff for the Beacon Beach House so I hope to kick my own ass and get back to it. And I know I will. Today is summer solstice so I am looking at this as a fresh new start. We are half way through 2017 and I still haven't met so many of my goals (sing like Beyonce is on the list.). And the one last little story before I end this post. The other day, my friend wrote me and was like "I'm a GIF!" and I was like "What?!?!" and sure enough, she was a gif. Somebody on Twitter had taken a clip from her on TV and it is epic. I couldn't save the clip to the blog so I had to make my very first gif and let me tell you... there is nothing more serial killer like than splicing up a video to make into a gif. But it worked and it is completely perfect. This pretty much sums up my whole feeling about the past few weeks and the fuckery that has happened.

I want to thank all my awesome friends and family who have been incredibly supportive these past couple of weeks. It's been a dark time and filled with a lot of heart break but it is all about perspective. And I need to buck up, make some tacos for dinner, and realize that life isn't nearly as bad as it could be. There is a lot to be grateful for and I know that eventually the freak outs will stop and that the center will one day be up and running and one day I will be able to sing "Single Ladies". Yaas, it will happen. Until then, toodles!


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