Last Day of 2014

Wow. It's the last day of 2014. I feel like this has been one rollercoaster of a year. I could say it was a craptastic year but I could also say it was a great year. 2014 was a bit like my teenage self esteem; up and down and up and down and then up for a while when plaid fat hiding shirts came into style.

I also tend to get a little emotional at the end of the year. I don't know if it is my fat crying because every year I plan to "lose weight" and January 2nd becomes the day of hunger. Or is it the realization that each year seems to go by a little bit faster?

I like to meditate over the past year, to ruminate, to renovate? I am totally selling that line to Kanye. Anyway, here is a bit of a lookback on the year that was 2014.

January: Oh boy! Was I excited about January 2014! We were in the midst of getting a diagnosis but things were looking up. We were about to start a new daycare and I was sure that things were going to be great. Famous last words.

February: After 4 weeks of sitting in a drafty room, hoping that our child will enter the stupid classroom, I am told I should re-birth. We go back to terrible daycare. On February 22nd, we look at our new apartment and then head to the ball. Twas awesome day.

March: Inconclusive diagnosis regarding the Kid. Most likely autism mixed in with something else. Like nutmeg, or rosemary.

April: Officially moved into apartment after weeks and weeks of arguments with the Husband. He likes those chandeliers now.

May: Told that the Kid is the worst child they have seen in the 20 year history of the daycare. We are officially given notice that the Kid must leave daycare by July. Put on half days. He starts ergotherapy. And we have our housewarming party.

June: A friend drags me to Bikram yoga. I end up loving it. Kid not only on half days but also can only attend 3 days a week. I swear vengeance on that place.

July: We get accepted to the daycare downstairs and we are overjoyed! Have romantical weekend away to Graz. Then a terrible tragedy happens; a dear friend passes.

August: Child no longer at terrible daycare. Days spent juggling the Kid between the Husband, the Mother in Law and the Nanny and the Me. Exhausting. I fly to Germany for the funeral and re-kindle my dislike for Switzerland. Long story. The Husband and I spend a weekend away in Waidhofen an der Ybbs.

September: Kid starts half days at new daycare. He quickly adapts. Memorial held for dear friend. Hiding 65 champagne glasses so that the Husband doesn't kill me does not end well.

October: Still on half days at the daycare. Halloween party is awesome!

November: Still on half days at the daycare. Getting geared up for Christmas. Get asked to be a contributor for Vienna Würstelstand. Very exciting!

December: Still on half days at the daycare. Gain weight in sumo wrestler style. Can't possibly be good for heart. Fabulous Christmas. Two nights spent at the Astoria. Which leads me back.....

To today.

It has been a really crazy year and I don't think I could have gotten through it without all the support from friends and family.

So many more things happened this year but that would require a novel to fit that all in. Hmmm. Anyway. I'm pretty excited to start 2015. I like to think of this upcoming year as the year that everything I have worked for comes together. I'm also excited about starting ABA therapy with the Kid. Don't let me down 2015! And if possible, could you maybe see about getting the Kid to full days at the daycare? Thanks. Happy New Year Everybody!!!

Buh bye 2014.


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