An Appointment at the Autism Centre

Ugh you guys. First of all, Happy Hanukkah! And a very Happy Wedding Anniversary to my parents. 41 years! That's amahzing!

In other news, today was a bit of a clusterfuck. I was absolutely exhausted. The Kid did not sleep well the night before. At one point he was goosestepping while lying down and when the Husband tried to reach out and stop him, he inadvertently grabbed my hair. (Yeah, inadvertently) Which led to much yelling on my part and many apologies on the Husband's part. I also didn't sleep well because today was the big appointment at the autism center that we have been waiting close to two months for. The nerves, they were eating at me.

Yesterday, the Husband called to re-confirm our appointment at 6:30 this evening and all was fine. This morning he sent me an e-mail telling me that the center had called and could only see us at 3:30 today. This was not good. This made me froth at the mouth. I made him call and ask if we could re-schedule and they told him that the earliest appointment would be in March. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

I was ticked because a) of their assumption that we could completely change our plans on the same day, b) I couldn't make it and ergo I would be branded a bad mother and c) ALL OF THE ABOVE TIMES A BILLION! I couldn't leave work so the Husband ended up going with the Kid and the Mother in Law and I won't lie, I was wreck for the whole afternoon. I got home just after five and paced the apartment, The Husband texted that they would be home shortly and that everything "Went ok" which could mean anything from "IT WAS FANTABULOUS AND WE WON A CAR!" to "THE STATE IS TAKING FULL CUSTODY OF OUR CHILD BECAUSE THEY FOUND OUT WE FEED HIM CAKE FOR BREAKFAST MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK!"

The Kid jumped into my arms and the Husband sat down and told me that they met two people at the center; one a counselor and the other a student. She basically spent an hour explaining ABA therapy and gave a couple of pointers and well, he pretty much heard the same thing we had heard on Sunday from our therapist. So really, we waited two months for an "information" session. She did note that the Kid did not seem severely autistic. And then she told the Husband that he should still make an appointment with the psychologist. So I guess in 2021, we will finally get started. Ugh. What a waste of stress. But hey, at least we are on our way. The one thing that I am grateful for is the we have our therapist and that we can get started at home as soon as possible and that we won't have to wait for the center. And when I become a millionaire, my first order of business will be to start my own darn autism center. And I will serve free muffins and offer hours that are suitable for working parents within a week of their inquiry.

So that was today. A bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I am tired and it is hard to believe that exactly a year ago we visited a different diagnosis center. Christmas is around the corner and I want to put my feet up and take a little break from all the madness and drink eggnog until I give myself a coronary. Good plan, Tova, awesome. Happy Hanukkah!


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