Things That Make Me Happy; Days 1-7

If we are friends on Facebook then (unless you have blocked me) you will have seen my "What Makes Me Happy" posts. I started October 1st because September ended on such a shitty note and I figured I needed to turn my frown upside down. I am doing this "What Makes Me Happy" project for the month of October to distract me from the stress of EVERYTHING. In general, things be good in the hood but since that run in at the daycare last week, I am wary. On Thursday morning we have a meeting at the daycare and I am a little apprehensive. Meetings at daycares for us, as you already probably know, usually end up with me crying or swearing vengeance. So I think it is a little understandable that I am slightly, pardon my French, freaking the fuck out.

So to distract me from this upcoming meeting, I am just going to happily keep up with my happiness challenge and post the pictures here as well. With some back story because quite frankly, I ain't got the inspiration to finish my planned post talking about Lifestyle Gurus. Totally going to be a great judgy mcjudgy post. Stay tuned. And without further delay. Here are pics from days 1 to 7.

So about 5-6 times a week I pull myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 5:15, grab a blanket and skulk over to my laptop in the living room. With one eye still closed, I browse celebrity gossip websites and under my blanket, put on workout clothes. Then I head out around 5:45 for my 50 minute walk around the neighbourhood. I love doing this and I have found that I have slowly become addicted to this morning routine. On October 1st, at 6:30, as I walked down Margaretenstrasse, I spied this in the window of a hair salon.

I did the whole double stop double take and whipped out my cell phone. I could not believe what I was seeing! Now, for all you North Americans living in North America in October, this wouldn't seem like a big deal. But for this North American not living in North America in October.. well... this IS HUGE! I love everything about this window display. This is some well planned window decorating. This just makes me so very very very happy to see in this city. YES! The Halloween spirit spreads!

Then there was day 2. It was a crisp Thursday morning and I decided to walk to my pilates class that starts at 8 a.m. It is about a 30 minute brisk walk and if I don't get lost, I really enjoy it. One of the highlights is that I get to intersect Naschmarkt which is this amazing outside market. And also, along this market are a couple of incredible Jugendstil buildings. Here is the crap pic I took. Fo shame.

And here is a better pic that I stole off the Interwebs. Seeing random beautiful buildings in this beautiful city truly makes me happy.

And now onto day 3. Day 3 was a work holiday. So I had time to walk around home in my yoga pants for a couple of hours. I also worked on my Halloween decorations and took time to appreciate my amahzing centerpiece. The picture isn't great but trust me when I tell you that this thing is awesome!

There is a glittered black pumpkin on top, then that "urn" is painted grey and there is moss filling it, then there are some fake snakes, some skulls and of course, fake ivy. I pat myself on my back for a job well done. I really really love this year's centerpiece and that makes me happy.

And what did day 4 bring in terms of happiness?

I don't think this requires much detail but here it goes: my wonderful son, in front of the Hofburg Palace on a beautiful Fall day. What you don't see is that the Husband and I had a beer. That made me happy too. And the Kid was happy. Everybody be happy.

Oh Sundays. I truly enjoy Sundays. Sunday afternoons and evenings are sacred in our house. We do laundry, we chillax, we order in. It's pretty much a no-bra day in this household.

In this picture you can see the Kid looking at something. And you can see my elephantitis foot. Like for real, it looks chubby. I don't know why. And in the back are some more decorations for Halloween. Doesn't even phase him... now that I took them out of his bedroom.

Day 6. There are two Ubahn stations near our new place. One is a 5 minute walk away and the other is 10 minutes away. I actually like to go to the one that is a little farther away because, yes, it is a status thing. And also, I get to take a very pretty route. There is this palace called Palais Schoenburg that is only open for events and it is so very pretty. The grounds are beautiful and I tell myself every time I pass it that one day I will have a reason (and money) to have a partay there. Watch this space and start saving for a pretty dress. Y'all invited!

The Kid likes to go past this place as well and every time we get near I say "Schloss!" and he practically dislocates his shoulders to look over the gates. This makes me happy.

And of course, now to Day 7 which is today. I had a couple of ideas of what I wanted to take a picture of and they all did not involve me. But when I got dressed and got ready to head to work, I took a look in the mirror and thought "Hey! I look like Robert De Niro in Casino!" And so I locked myself in the bathroom and took a selfie because I truly love the time of year when I can finally whip out my fake fur vests and winter heels and I immediately feel better about myself. Covered and taller. That makes me happy.

And so, there you have it.. my happy making pictures for days 1-7. Are we happy now? I am just going to go ahead and answer for you and say "yes".


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