A Bit of a Change

Hey. Hey you guys. Thanks for the all support. Yesterday was a whopper of a day and this morning I have to head to the doctor to get my clean bill of health. I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I need to not wear stretchy pants for a day or two. I feel better this morning but only because I have to feel better in order to get through the next few days. The Husband will be going to the daycare tomorrow and we will see what they say to him. I'm still a little shakey mad but at least I am surrounded by my Halloween decorations and that is my happy place. The Kid has been fine with the place turning into the depths of Hell. He got really excited to see the fake crows again. His favourite big plastic one is his buddy. This morning I caught him babbling to it and trying to get it to eat. Heart melted.

Anyway, so, I have a little secret. I've been doing something for the past 6 days. Something I never thought I would or could do. Something that would make most people who know me go "WAIT UP! What?!?"

So here's my secret... Wait for it.. For the past 6 days I have been.... I have been... Oh God... I have been a... vegan.

Yeah... I know. Let that sink in. Now, before you call me some hippie hispter hipperiffic hip person, let me stop you for a second. I have literally been the most anti-vegan person ever. I'd meet a vegan and then I'd be all like "BAHAHAHAHA! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! YOU MUST BE CRAZY!" and then in front of them would melt cheese on bacon and chortle to myself for another hour. "Vegan! Bahahahaha!" Well, I guess now, I need to eat some crow. Well, crowfurkey. You know, the tofu crow because I can't eat meat... or eggs,,, or cheese...or milk... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

I know what I have done. I have made a decision in a moment of weakness. I also listened to my office buddy on the merits of veganism (you will pay, buddy) and then I watched a Youtube video of Jenna Marbles who has an amazing figure and does a 6:1 vegan plan. And after some careful research (Googled: attractive celebrities who are vegans) I decided that I too would give it a whirl. I plan to do the 6:1 which pretty much means that 6 days of the week I will eat vegan and then 1 day of the week, I will eat a vegan, sauteed in butter and topped with cheese.

Yes. I will do this. Why? Because I think this will rein in my eating, make me make better life choices that don't involve mac and cheese and yes, because I am a complete masochist. I'm proud that I have made it to day 6. Ok yes I had some chips (vegan approved chips) because the Husband ate a pizza and that made me angry. And I bought a vegan cake yesterday because mommy needed loving. But shut up.

So on Sunday, I will eat a lot of cheese, maybe have some ribs and definitely consider bacon as a main course. Go ahead, judge me but you will see in a week or two I will be a hemp wearing smug person... Or I will end up doing this below at 3 in the morning.


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