Sunny Sunday

What a spectacular day! The weather is perfect. I woke up at 6 this morning and decided to take a little walk. Since I am biking to work for the first time tomorrow, I decided to check out the route from our new place on foot. It seems that there aren't any bike baths immediately which makes me a little noivous but if I can make it 5 minutes, then I should be able to hit the paths eventually. Jeebus take the wheel. I bought a helmet yesterday because safety is important, kids. I think it should take me about 40 minutes to get to work which is about 10 minutes longer than with public transport but the trade off is sweaty pits and a work out.

Since I have not biked in years, I will just bike there on Monday. Bike back Tuesday evening. Bike there on Wednesday and bike home on Friday (Thursday is a public holiday). Eventually I would like to bike at least 3 times a week - maybe even 4 times - but easy does it. I also need to find my way back to Yoga so that is another goal over the next couple of weeks.

Being in this apartment makes me want to be more active. We are right on a beautiful park and we just have to walk down a flight of stairs to hit the great outdoors. After my walk, a smoothie and breakfast for the Kid, we headed out to the park. The Husband went to the old apartment to find his cleats for softball so the Kid and I had some Mommy-Kid quality time. Instead of spending most of the time in the playground, we walked around the park and he talked and talked and talked. What about? No clue but it was adorable. I have visions of botany in his future.

After more than hour of walking around, we headed back home. This is the life. The Kid is currently napping, the Husband is out at softball and I am getting ready to head to the Prater to meet some friends. I would like to think that this first weekend at the new place with the three of us has been a grand success. High fives all round.

In other news, now it is time to start taking care of me. The majority of our move is done (yet still some more crap at the old place and the huge shelves to be put up so that I can finally have space for the rest of my clothes) so it is time to get back to Operation Tubetop - the early years. There is still stress ahead of us but the move was the biggest obstacle recently. It is time to get back to a schedule, good eating, portion control and exercise. With the biking, better eating and yoga, I feel like in a few weeks I will be feeling like me again. And that's a good feeling. Less bloat, more gloat. Let's do this!

Happy Sunday!


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