Going Clean For April

Well. Well, I don't know how to say this but I'm giving up the hooch. Not for good because that is crazy talk but until April 22nd. I will be abstaining from my loyal friend the Booze for 21 days. What brought this on? A life changing event? Did I end up in a gutter? No. Nothing catastrophic happened but I've been feeling stressed and lethargic and gross and I figure some abstinence won't hurt. I actually don't drink that much. But I do like my wine and on days that I have been stressed, I can easily have more glasses than I want and then the next day I feel bloated and I make bad food choices and then I want more wine because I feel bloated and made bad food choices.

When you have a toddler at home, mommy needs to be "on" every.single.morning. And I am "on" but I want to be more "on". I want to feel more alert in the mornings and I feel that I need to give my body a little overhaul. So with the booze abstinence for 21 days comes the Coke Zero abstinence (OH GOD NO!) as well as the effort to eat cleaner. I need to up my veggies and fruit and get back to the gym. We are moving in 2 weeks and I need to get to a healthier place before I pack or I might just scream "F#@CK IT!" and throw everything out including the Husband. I want to get my energy back and eating pizza is not helping. I'm not going on a diet - I'm just saying no to processed foods and fizzy drinks and yes, the Booze for a while (I reserve the right to eat some processed foods over the moving weekend in a couple of weeks but I will try my darndest not to). So to kick this off, tonight I am having cucumber and avocado maki for dinner and no wine. None. No wine. There will be no wine. None. Fml.

And since misery loves company, who's with me!? Bueller? Bueller?

Day 2. No booze.


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