Go Away Sickness!

Day three of sick leave. I'm still not feeling great but I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I'm at the "put glue on hand, let it dry, peel it off" stage. So fun. Our kitchen "montage" is almost booked. Don't get me started. One piece is apparently missing and the Husband compared our list with the delivery list and doesn't see this "piece" missing. Frustration! So at one point I will have to check each box and bauble that has been delivered and find out what is missing. Personal nightmare.

Our last weekend in the apartment is coming up. I cannot believe it! There is so much to do and I wish I was back in top form so I could get 'er done. Even though I have moved a bazillion times, this is the first time as an adult that I have movers coming. I have done my best to bring stuff over, but Billy bookcases are not easy to carry. So our timiline is somewhat like this:

April 15th- boxes arrive
April 17th- Kid dropped off at daycare, Mother in Law picking him up in the afternoon and taking him to her place for two nights - hallowed (right?) is her name. Tova runs around like a mad man putting crap in boxes.
April 18th- MOVING DAY!!!!
April 18th-20th- UNPACK ALL THE THINGS!
What still needs to be done is getting our kitchen installed, our lights installed (I don't want to talk about it - but I will, soon) and the purchase of this and that.

I really want to be completely moved in and set up by Easter Sunday and the Husband doubts my ambition. Silly, silly man. If I have to stay up all night, I will. I refuse to live in chaos anymore! My mother always had us moved in within 24 hours - I respect that. Oh, and sidenote, I'm not allowed to say "trust me" to the Husband anymore. He will smother me in my sleep.

And so, I will lie down shortly. I'm still waiting for that morning when I wake up feeling awesome. Still waiting. Let's say that tomorrow will be that morning. The good news is that I am on day 8 of no booze. It's been easy because I am sick and I would like to say I have been so much more productive and energetic but that's not true. Maybe by next week? Righty oh! Time for a nap!


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