Inching Towards That Holiday

Just two more days of work and then I am off for 2 weeks. I need this time off desperately! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed these past couple of weeks... probably because I am hungry and missing pizza.

Tonight I will be going out with some friends to Schrei and Soehne. I have never been but it is in the hood and these are my hood buddies. The majority of us are Canadian so we are cool and shit. Drinks will be had and I need to be careful and remind myself that I still have one more day of work left after. I am definitely looking forward to an evening out, sitting outside and drinking with good friends. Well deserved I do declare. Speaking of declaring, I finally got to watch the first episode of Southern Charm Savannah. The original one is pretty much the only reality show that the Husband will watch with me and we are so so so behind. We totes need to catch up. I finally watched the Savannah one and it isn't bad. It doesn't have the same, dare I say, charm, as the original one does but it definitely highlights a city that I have loved from afar for years. I just finished reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil for like the bazillioneth time so I might have a bit of an obsession. One day I will visit Savannah, Charleston and New Orleans. All on the bucket list. Anyway, the show was fine and I am glad I have something entertaining to watch again. The Housewives shows just got too mean. I don't like mean.

And coincidentally, speaking of Southern Charm, a friend of mine was reading Hello magazine the other day. She came into my office and she was like "Do you know Southern Belle?" and I was confused for a second and then I said "Do you mean Southern Charm? I LOVE IT!"and she responded with "Whatever. There's a woman from the show interviewed in Hello and it was like seeing an article about you." And my eyes lit up and I clapped my hands and said "Patricia?" and she shrugged and said "I think so". She left the magazine on my desk yesterday and scribbled across the top of the article is "Is that you?!?." and then she circled a quote that read "Sometimes I think that in this country, my generation are the last ones to really have class." and wrote "Totally you". Haha. No, I am not that bad. But I do love me some Patricia on the show. She brings a butler to parties to make her martinis. AMAZING!

Anyway... moving on.. Yesterday I was supposed to work until about 8 but I found out that I was expected to stay longer. It sometimes happens and it should be expected and this is what one of my friends was saying to me as I was mini-ranting and I was like "I AM ALLOWED TO FEEL INCONVENIENCED!" Heh. She understood. Sometimes we all just need a little rant. I ended up staying until almost 10:30 which is my normal bed time. I got home around 11, washed my face and put on my pjs and tried to stay awake to read all the things on the Internet. I was able to spend a little time on Pinterest which brings me to another little story. Now, I love Pinterest. Adore it. It's a free magazine of pictures without the ads. And helpful Pinterest likes to send me messages, telling me that I might be interested in some other pins. Well, yesterday, the title of their message was "Hi, Tova! We found new Serial Killers and Celebrity dresses Pins for you!" and I was like what? Serial killers? When did I ever pin that? Thank God I am not on a dating app. They would apparently pair me up with Bob who likes basements and collects molars. Get it together, Pinterest!
And my last little story of the day, I am in the newspaper again! It never gets old. I've been lucky enough to be featured in the New York Post (article about maternity leave in Europe and sexism), the Salzburger Nachrichten (about being a Canadian in Austria), the Science Ball magazine, the Vienna Wuerstelstand (regarding autism), I wrote an article for XOJane about trying to open a center here, in the Wiener Bezirkszeitung about being Canadian (with a sidebar about the Beacon Beach House), and today, an article also in the Wiener Bezirkszeitung came out about my plans to build the center. This is great publicity for Autism in Vienna. Now I just need a several page spread in Hello Magazine, I have the perfect tunic dress for it. In all seriousness, it is all very surreal but I feel incredibly lucky to be able to get so much press. Onwards and upwards and all that jazz!

I wish you all a fab day still. I cannot wait to head out in the afternoon. I am first stopping at a store on Kettenbruckengasse around 5:00 to check out some beautiful tutus a friend sells and then will head to Schrei and Soehne for drinky drinks. Fingers crossed they have rose wine. Happy Thursday! Toodles!


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