End of Week 5 - Tova Be Toning it Up Challenge

If you want to see pictures of food and random things I did this past week, beachy crafts, etc. please check out Instagram @tmspatz. Also, please feel free to join me for the next 4 weeks! I am not a nutritionist, a personal trainer or even an Instagram star so this is not a certified diet thingy. This is just something I custom made for me so don't sue me. Please check out this blog post here so that you understand what the challenge is all about! This recap will include what I ate, what workouts I did and what "Tone it Up" lifestyle things I did. Also, the end of the post will include how many centimeters and kilos I have (if any) lost this past week. Enjoy! (None of these pictures belong to me... because I don't take random pictures of girls in bikinis. All of these pictures belong to Tone It Up).

I DID IT! 5 WEEKS! Here is the Week 5 Recap. But stay tuned for my final summary in the next post!


The Kid woke up in a mood and I decided to keep him home. It is always hard staying home diet wise because there is like food and stuff around. The Kid seems off for a couple of hours but seems to suddenly perk up. I start to wonder if he played me. In the afternoon, the Nanny comes by for a couple of hours and I decide to go for a walk and buy a couple of things. I buy two adorable baseball tees and some wedged sandals. Summer is on its way! 

I stop for a drink and read my book and then head home. I make tomato soup for dinner and the Kid loves it and makes me proud by using his spoon all by himself. I decide to get a walk in with him and we stop for vegan ice cream. The place is called Veganista and it is amazeballs! We share some of the ice cream (I eat most of it) and then walk home. The Husband is out for dinner so I do some Tone it Up exercises and when the Husband gets home, I go for a great run. It's humid but it so nice not to have to wear a bulky sweater. Actually, I kind of miss the bulky sweater. It hides my shame. I get home, take a shower and then head to bed.

B: Coffee, small glass of coconut and pineapple juice with a shot of apple cider vinegar, half a bagel and raspberries
L: 2 scrambled eggs, slice of cheese and half a bagel
S: White wine spritzers
D: Tomato soup and a scoop of vegan ice cream

Workouts: 2 hours of walking, 5k run and Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: Bought a couple of adorable baseball tees and wedged sandals. Yaaas.


I have to be at work early today so I crawl out of bed at 6. I try and summon up some energy because in just a week, I will be heading to Canada! Yaaay!! I put on my make up, get dressed, drink another cup of coffee, have my shot of apple cider vinegar and head out just after 7. Work isn't super busy and at lunchtime, I take a walk with Office Twin and my friend. We stop at Billa and I pick up a cheese sandwich. At breakfast I had a multi grain roll which I should have resisted.

Around 3:30, my work day is over and I meet my friend D.K. for spritzers for a couple of hours. We catch up and then at 6, I go home and the Kid is in a fantastic mood. I make dinner- leftover Vietnamese chicken spring rolls. And then at 7, the Kid and I go out for a walk. It is a beautiful night and he babbles as we walk around the neighbourhood. We stop for ice cream again and I order a scoop of strawberry shortcake vegan ice cream. Last night I ordered a chocolatey scoop and he wasn't wild about it. Not my son. But the strawberry one seems to be a hit so we alternate bites as we walk back home.

The Husband comes back from watching a film and I put on my running gear. But then I suddenly decide that I am not up for it. GAH! Stupid brain. But I don't beat myself up. I realize that sometimes your body just needs a break. I end up heading to bed shortly afterwards and pass out immediately. I think exhaustion might be hitting me.

B: Coffee, small glass of coconut and pineapple juice with a shot of apple cider vinegar, multi grain roll and raspberries
L: Cheese sandwich on a multi grain roll (and a couple of chocolate truffles (shhh.)
S: White wine spritzers
D: 5 small Vietnamese chicken spring rolls and a scoop of vegan ice cream

Workouts: 45 minute lunch time walk, 45 minute walk with the Kid, Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: Wooden and shell necklace


I wake up absolutely determined to finish this challenge with a bang. I skipped a workout yesterday and I am disappointed in myself. I decide that I am going to eat super clean the next few days. I don't have to start work until 12 today so I decide to take advantage of a late start and go for a morning run. Wow. It was amazing. I forgot how much I love morning runs. It's an awesome way to start the day. I take a quick shower and then bring the Kid to kindergarten. I stop at the grocery store and load up on salad, raspberries and some halloumi.

I am so gosh darn determined to eat super clean these next few days. I eat some raspberries and then around 10:30 I have a salad with some grilled halloumi. AMAZING! 

At 11:30 I have to head to work and I head out into the sunshine, carrying my raspberries smugly. Originally I was only supposed to work until 8 but then I find out that my shift might go past 10. Argh! I stop for some hummus and pitas and some toffee popcorn because that will be my dinner.

By 10:20 p.m., I am exhausted but I get to go home. I pass out at 11:20.

B: Coffee, shot of apple cider vinegar and raspberries
L: Salad with grilled halloumi
D: Raspberries, salad and some toffee popcorn

Workouts: 5k run, Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: I wore flip flops! Yay! Summer!


Since I am going out tonight, I decide to get a run in in the morning. It feels fab and it is balmy out. I take a shower and then make my way to work. Work isn't so hectic and for lunch, I take a walk with a friend and pick up a cheese sandwich. I am going out in the evening and I have no idea what I am going to have for dinner. 

I am in love with my outfit today, a long tutu skirt and a pink and grey baseball tee and wedged espadrilles. Two different colleagues tell me I look like Carrie Bradshaw. They are my favourite people now. At 4:30, I head to Kettenbrückengasse and stop at a friend's shop. She sells gorgeous tutu skirts and I am saving up to myself one because they are amazing! I drink a spritzer at the shop and then have to dash because at 5:30, I am meeting friends at wine and deli place in the 5th. A friend has reserved the only two outside tables. I start with a spritzer and then move on to rose wine. I am drinking to quickly and a friend has the foresight to order food. We order cheese and bread and I go a little nutso. Not very Tone it Up, I know. I guess I am in a celebratory mood because the article about the Beacon Beach House came out.

At one point, 2 of our friends who are married (to each other) say that they have to head off for their date night but that we are welcome to come. So we crash it. It was at a new Georgian restaurant near Museums Quartier and I was in a jolly mood and happily switched to sweet Georgian wine. Of course I could not resist the Georgian cheese bread: khachapouri. Ugh. I know, I know. Not great for the challenge. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day!

By 11, I am back home and fall into a deep sleep. A great evening! And thank God I got that morning run in!

B: Coffee, shot of apple cider vinegar and lemon cake (it was for charity and for once, I chose lemon over chocolate so winning)
L: Cheese and veg sandwich
D: Lots of wine and lots of bread and cheese and I don't want to talk about it!

Workouts: 5k run, 45 minute lunchtime walk, Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: Summer night spent drinking rose wine. And wearing cute shoes.

I am definitely exhausted when I wake up but I am also incredibly excited! Today is my last day of work for 2 weeks! Yes, I will doing other work, but this is the only job that pays me and I get take a break from that! I get dressed and then go to work. I have a fresh juice and a roll for breakfast (I was feeling delicate) and then I take a lunchtime walk with my friend and pick up a sandwich and granola bar. I watch the clock until 3:30 and then run out of the office with the Breakfast Club ending song in my head. 2 weeks off baby! 

I head to the Film Casino and pick up some posters for the film premier and then head home. The Kid is in a great mood and at 6 the Husband orders Chinese food. I have steamed rice and tofu and a fortune cookie. I am stuffed but at 7:30, I pull on my running gear and go for a short run around the neighbourhood. My stomach isn't feeling great so I end up doing a fast 25 minute run. I get home, take a shower and then we watch Burn Notice while I do some Tone it Up exercises. By 9:30, I am in bed and dead to the world. Yaaas.

B: Coffee, shot of apple cider vinegar, fresh juice and a roll
L: Cheese and veg sandwich and a chocolate granola bar
D: Tofu and steamed rice

Workouts: 4k run, 45 minute lunchtime walk, Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: I wore work-appropriate shorts. One can question if shorts are work appropriate or not. But I am saying that for my office, totes are.

The Kid is still asleep when I get up at 7. The wind is absolutely insane outside. I write some e-mails and then get dressed to head to Stadion. I need to pick up my race gear for the Frauenlauf. It's only 9:30 when I get there and it is already packed. I forgot, Austrians are early risers. I pick up my race number, my bag of swag and then get my t-shirt. I order the medium sized one and now I am suddenly regretting my decision. Might be a little too tight. Gah!

I get home and have an early lunch and the Kid is acting like he is on uppers. The Husband kindly takes him to the park to blow off steam. I am indebted to him. I take a bath and then start on my self tanner. I was going to get a spray tan but the place closed down so now I am going to have to do it myself and this won't end well. 

When they get back, the Husband goes to the gym and I give the Kid a bath. Knowing that he acts like Free Willy every bath time, and I have just applied self tanner, I watch him from the hallway. Good parenting.

Later in the afternoon I meet a dear friend for spritzers since I won't see until after I am back from Canada. I decide to carbo load and order brown bread with cheese at 5. I want to have an early dinner so that when I do my run the next morning, I won't bloat... too much.

I get home around 6:45 and the Husband and the Kid eat dinner, I get some yoga in and then we watch 2 episodes of Southern Charm. Yay! By 10:00, I am in bed, a little nervous about the run tomorrow.

B: Coffee, and shot of apple cider vinegar 
L: scrambled eggs and toast
D: Brown bread with cheese

Workouts: Yoga (saving my legs for tomorrow's race), Tone it Up Arm and Tush Exercises and stomach exercises

Tone it Up Lifestyle: Self tanner. Those Tone it Up girls are always bronzey. I might end up orangey. But A for effort.


Well, I have made it! The last day of the 5 week challenge! I get on the scale and thank the heavens above! Down .5 kilos. But I can't celebrate too long because it is the morning of the Frauenlauf. The first and only time I did the Frauenlauf was 2 years ago and I am curious to see how I will do this time. I put on my gear and look at the downpour outside. Well, shit. The Kid is still asleep when I leave but the Husband dutifully crawls out of bed to wish me luck.

Luckily the rain stops and I make my way to the Stadion. There are a gazillion people and I shiver in the cold. I make my way to "M" starting block (it wasn't until later that I realized I accidentally started in "N") and wait for the starting countdown. And then I am off... and why is everybody sprinting?!?! For the past 5 weeks, I have been running almost every day for at least 30 minutes. Maybe I haven't been going fast enough? I worry that maybe I have been speed walking for the past 5 weeks, but when I reach the first kilometer, I see people starting to walk and I start to feel a little bit better. I keep breathing and try and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and try to stay zen as people elbow me to get by... there a ton of women!

I look at my phone and start to worry about my time. I think I am going too slow and I try and speed up. Finally I reach the 4th kilometer and speed up, happy to note that I am not keeling over yet. I sprint right at the end and internally rejoice! I did it! I pick up my medal and my friend texts me that she is heading to the tent area. She luckily finds me and we do an air hug because sweaty and stuff. I am a little disappointed because I feel like I could have pushed myself more but at the same time, this was a fun run and not the Olympic trials. And we are about to have beer so yay! I text the Husband that I did it and he is proud and then my friend and I spot the first beer line and decide to each get two beers because who needs to wait in anymore lines? We find a free table and benches and cheers ourselves. For the next hour we laugh and talk and we are on a high. A woman approaches our table and gives us brochures for a Kenyan running holiday. I tell her my husband was born in Nairobi and my friend asks her "Did you run today?" and she says "yes". It wasn't until I got home that my friend texts me "That woman with the brochures?!?! She came third!!!" AHAHAHAHA! We are idiots. Oh well.

After our beers and our well deserved buzz, we head home and I take a shower. The Husband is at the park with the Kid and picks up food on his way home. Bless him. Flatbread and falafel. I annihilate the food and then hang out with the Kid. I feel totally fine after this run which means, yay, I am fitter but boo, I could have run faster.

Now it is time to head out quickly to meet a friend. I need to give her a couple of posters of Life, Animated to hang up at work. We will have a quick drink and then I will head home and snuggle with the Kid, pack my bag and of course, once he is in bed watch Pretty Little Liars. And that, my friends, is the end of my 5 week challenge of Tova Be Toning it Up!

B: Coffee, (post-race beer)
L: Falafel and flat bread
D: Steamed dim sum (clearing out the freezer)

Workouts: 5K fun run!

Tone it Up Lifestyle: 5K fun run! I feel like that is a really Tone it Up thing to do. Yes.

End of the Week stats:

Centimeters lost
Waist: 0
Hips/tum: 1

Kilos lost: 0.5

Hours of working out/walking/running/yoga: 11 hours

Well, workout wise, this was a good week. Eating wise, not the best... but I was stressed so there you go. But I did it! I finished the challenge! I won't write too much here because I am saving my thoughts for another post. Hopefully that will be up tomorrow! I think ending the challenge with a fun run is the best possible way to end a challenge. It was an amazing 5 weeks so yay! Stay tuned for the ultimate summary!!


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