One Day of Sleeping and Maybe Back to My Old Self

I woke up with a sore throat on Monday morning. I could barely shuffle down the hallway and I decided I would call in sick. I ended up sleeping most of the day which if you know me is not a normal thing for me. I was congested and took some Life brand cold and flu pills which ended up giving me the wackiest dreams ever. I don't want to talk about them but if I see you and I avert my gaze and blush, ignore me. For the love of God, ignore me! The Kid finishes kindergarten at 1 so if I am at home sick, I literally have to barricade myself in the bedroom.

I set up the laptop, crawled under the covers and fell asleep again in the afternoon. I was in and out of consciousness and was able to watch A Plum Pudding Murder (a Hallmark Christmas movie) off and on. GAH! It was awful! And I will be writing a recap in a day or two. You are welcome. I am not sure where and how I got sick. Part of me thinks it is just that I am a little rundown after all of the craziness of the past few months. At least I hope that's it. If I am not feeling better soon, I will be heading to the doctor. I am back at work and feeling a little more like myself. I should slow down but we all know that isn't going to happen.

The weekend after Friday night was pretty relaxed. I even got to do some crafts which was amazing! I rarely have time to do something creative and when I do something creative, it usually means that I am putting something off that is very important. There were a lot of things I was supposed to be doing but putting glitter on shit seemed to be just what I needed. This week will be a busy one again, I fear. Tomorrow I am working later and then heading to the Vienna Expats meet and greet event. On Thursday the Kid is having a therapy session with two therapists and his aide and after, we will be heading to the Autism in Vienna Therapy Networking Evening. On Saturday afternoon I am heading to a brunch housewarming and on Sunday morning, another brunch. I hope to be able to take the Kid to a Christmas market at some point and of course to finally finish up my website for the Beacon Beach House now that we are official! (Cue screaming and clapping and jumping up and down) In the next day or two I will set up a bank account for the center. I still am waiting to hear about the location but fingers crossed it all works out. The only thing needed after that is 1 million dollars!

Or maybe just a few thousand euros. I need to start contacting companies for money and to also do some more advertising for the sensory friendly cinema afternoon I am organizing. I NEED AN INTERN! I was kvetching to Office Twin earlier and he was like "Let me write you a song, to play on my very small violin." I threw Post-it Notes at him. I missed. Tonight the Husband is out and I am going to put on my pj's and drink eggnog. Now, I know it seems a little early but you can never have enough eggnog in preparation for cardiac surgery or something. Arteries will be nicely clogged by the time Christmas rolls around. Speaking of Christmas, I need to get started on my holiday shopping. I am giving myself a budget this year - which I say every year - and I am really going to try and stick to it. "Here Kiddo, a child-sized gold plated Porsche because Mommy looooveessss you!!!" Last year Christmas was not so good for a reason I won't actually write about... but I am hoping that this year will be great... and I have a feeling it will be. Re: eggnog. Eggnog makes everything better. Even this guy getting shot.

I wish you all a fabulous day! And here is a random question of the day. If your life was a film title, what would it be? I think mine would be Fatal Attraction... and Michael Douglas would be played by a carton of eggnog. Enough about the eggnog, Tova. No, my film title currently would be Braveheart... because I am wearing a skirt and am screaming a lot. Now, your turn.


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