Dis and Dat

Hello Wednesday! I was off work yesterday because the Kid has a cold. I dropped him off at Kindergarten on Monday and 40 minutes later, they called and said he was coughing and he had to be picked up. He was fine most of the day but at 3:30 in the morning on Tuesday, he was awake and ready to partay. Luckily around 8 a.m. he fell asleep for a couple of hours and I could snooze on the sofa. The Nanny came in the afternoon and I was able to meet a couple of friends for a late lunch at Cafe Wortner and then a quick drink with another friend at Cafe Gitarre and then onto the Beaver Brewing Company for an 80's tribute night. It was a fun fun evening and at one point, 2 friends pulled me to the front to sing Jesse's Girl with them and my real life nightmare came true. I am not a singer and I am not a performer. Ok, yes, there have been a couple of karaoke episodes but on both occasions I was pickled. My somewhat hazy memory seems to recall me saying "No no no. I do not do Karaoke.." and then about an hour later, grabbing the microphone and wailing "AND IIIIIIIII...eeee..IIII WILL ALWAYS LOOOOVVEE YOOOOUU!" Yeah, not proud.

It was a busy weekend so I apologize for not posting a post sooner. On Friday I went to a friend's birthday, on Saturday I took out the Christmas decorations and then had to lie down because I had a cold hit me like a truck. Sunday morning we decorated the tree and the Kid was ecstatic. Sunday evening I went to Allaverdi for another friend's birthday and had fantastic Georgian food. It used to be called Satrapezo but had sadly gone out of business so I was curious what the new place would be like. Well, folks, it is exactly the same: same food, same cutlery, same wine service, same damn Swarovski decanter I have wanted for years. This might sound odd, but I really like a nice dinner out. Heh. It's nice not having to cook and I look so much better in candlelight. And I will make a quick segue here to list my favourite restaurants in Vienna for future reference if anybody ever feels the need to bribe me. Or if you are looking to woo your crush. Here are Tova's favourite romantical restaurants (and I haven't been on a romantical dinner for a while so some of these places might have closed down) (and I am pretty sure that I posted a similar list a few years ago but whatevs):

Cantinetta La Norma (I took myself there the other week so I know it's still there): frescoes, nice owner, and my favourite window seat in all of Vienna.

Motto am Fluss: I haven't actually been in a couple of years but when I did go, I found it lovely: overlooking the Danube and eating kind of fancy food. Feeling kind of fancy...

Entler: Again, I believe it is still around. Last time I went was about 2 years ago. The food is seasonal and the lighting is low (perfect) and the wine list is plentiful. I should take myself there one night. It's been too long!

Zum Schwarzen Kamel: Ok. To be honest, I went there but somebody else was paying. I don't think it is in my budget but it is fantastic... and historic... and the cheese plate was to die for.

der Fuchs und die Trauben: Yes, I am biased because school friends own it. And I go there a lot. The food is extraordinary and I have always had a great time every time I go... probably because I am a lot more charming after a couple of glasses of rioja.

And now I guess I can add Allaverdi to the list because amazing food!

So those are my go-to places. I now feel like I need to broaden my horizons so maybe in the new year I'll take myself out for dinner more. So if you are reading this, gentlemen, book a table, surprise your lady, and take her out for a fabulous dinner. Even strong and independent women want to be treated to a romantic night once in a while, made to feel special, want to believe that they are the most amazing person in the world, that they are desired and appreciated, that you don't want to smother them with a pillow every time they ask "whatcha thinking abooouuuut?" A little romance goes a long, long way. You are welcome!

The rest of the week won't be too crazy. Tomorrow night I am going to the Canadian ambassador's for a Christmas party. I am very much looking forward to wine and Christmas songs and I truly truly hope they have those moose eggnog cups that I have wanted for so very long. I feel like if a Canadian embassy party served eggnog in those, world peace would soon follow.

On Saturday is the big movie afternoon. I have rented a theater so that we can have a sensory friendly afternoon for kids. So far 37 people have signed up which means that I am dry heaving slightly. I need about 100 people to attend so that I can almost break even. I am going to believe that it will all work out and that it will be an amazing success. Fingers crossed. In terms of the location for the autism center... well, unfortunately I haven't heard anything more. I guess it wasn't meant to be and while that is definitely disheartening, I know that the perfect place will eventually come along. I am glad I put on the brakes but it is still hard and probably a good lesson about going with gut feelings. If you wake up sweating profusely in the middle of the night - it probably isn't a great idea. In other news, I've been a little weepy today for various reasons and I am usually pretty good about keeping a stiff upper lip and acting like Liza Minelli in any Liza Minelli musical act, but today I didn't have the energy and immediately Office Twin and a friend at work looked at me and said "What's wrong? Why so glum?" I shrugged and said "Nada" and Office Twin gallantly volunteered to come by at anytime to make fun of me. Heh. Brits. I can't wait to update you all on the cinema afternoon and of course the fancy reception I will be attending. I still haven't decided what to wear so tonight I will be spending most of it contemplating if stretchy pants denote "class". Sigh. Happy Wednesday and catch you on the flip side.


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