Dis and Dat

I am feeling a bazillion times better. I think I actually  had a mini breakdown on Monday and I just needed to sleep it off. I told my friend the other day about it and she was like "You are very efficient. You have a day to fall apart and then you are fine again." and she is right. I internalize many many things (I know, that seems to be the complete opposite of who I am seeing as I pretty much talk about everything on this blog) and that isn't healthy. If I am upset or hurt, I don't really say much and I pull my hand from the fire and retreat, rather than face a situation straight on. Confrontation? No bueno. But sometimes I do hit my breaking point and I will get mad and then I have a very hard time verbalizing what is bothering me and come across as a raving squirrel: cute, but maybe has the rabies.

For the most part I am easy going (I know, I know that may seem like a lie, but I can be), I take a lot of hits on the chin, but as I age (Why God why?!?!), I realize that I need to try and be less of a people pleaser (and I know I have written this same sentence about a million times in this blog. Learning is not my strength). I will pretty much give anyone the shirt off my back and that is not a good thing because there is nothing anybody wants to see under my shirt. I am lucky to have close friends who are protective of me because they know that I can be a complete idiot when it comes to life and to relationships. I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve and that is not always a great idea: people take advantage of that. My friends will sit across from me, listening to my latest mini-rant and I am pretty sure that they are resisting the urge to slap me upside the head.

I am blessed. So the good news is that I am feeling a lot better. The bad news is that I am a person of habit so this will happen again. Awesome. Last night was a fun night out. I ended up leaving work earlier than expected and a friend and I met for some Pho at Good Morning Vietnam. While a little pricey, it was exactly what we both needed before a night of beer. Just after 7 we headed over to the Beaver Brewing Company for a Vienna Expats Meet and Greet. The place was packed and I literally knew only two other people there. Times have changed. A couple of friends showed up a little later and then the 4 of us spent most of the night not mingling and just laughing. It was nice to have a night out that I could just be myself and not work extra hard not to say something stupid... because the harder I work at that, the more dumbassery comes out. I made it home just before 11 because I was a responsible adult last night... it truly could have gone either way. Since I was too tired to adult when I got home, this morning I had to laminate a bunch of flash cards for the Kid's big therapy session this afternoon. I got as much done as possible, threw on some clothes, kissed the Kid good bye and ran to work like a bat out of hell because in the afternoon I have to run back home, catch the tail end of the Kid's session and then head back to the Beaver Brewing Company for a therapy networking evening that I am hosting. And I pretty much need to change my name to Norm because the amount of time I am spending there is getting a little ridiculous.

Today I am also opening up a bank account for the Beacon Beach House and in a day or two I have to deposit a down payment for the sensory friendly movie afternoon I am  hosting on the 3rd of December. I just ordered some temporary business cards because I think people are kind of confused when they meet me, I talk about autism and the center and then I whip out my business card that has a chandelier on it and reads Operation Tubetop. They assume I am either an out-of-date escort or a brothel madame. Yeeees. Life goals. The next big steps for the center are: finding out about the location and planning a fundraiser for hopefully in January. I will need to start asking people for donations for a raffle which is my least favourite thing ever to do ever in the history of ever. I would auction myself off for a date but nobody wants to pay to watch me eat too much pizza, drink too much wine and then kvetch about eating too much pizza and drinking too much wine. I also have the tendency to ask stupid questions like "Would you rather have no legs or no arms? And why?" It's a miracle people even still talk to me. So on that fabulous note, I wish you all a fantastic Thursday. I am still working on the re-cap of that horrific Hallmark film I watched the other day. And I am sure I will have some mad mad stories about opening up a bank account on my own: paperwork, banks? Not fun. Toodles!


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