So My Article Got Published on XOJane

I was feeling a little rough this morning. I had had a late night which I will talk about in a bit. But first, YAAAAY! My article for XOJane was published!!! I had been checking the site all week to see if it had been put up and then this morning, it was there! I have always dreamed of being published on a website I read often. I don't think I ever imagined it would be about autism... I kind of thought more "I accidentally ended up as a high end escort" or "Pizza Diet!" I am super excited about this!

There are some not so nice comments... this is the Internet, I am not surprised. But one thing that seems to come up a couple of times is people saying that ABA Therapy is torture for children. This could not be further from the truth in our home. Number 1, we are not repressing his "stimming" (this is a repetitive movement often done by people with autism) and Number 2, he is never ever forced to do something he does not want to do. Our therapist is fabulous and our 2 aides are as well. It is mostly play-based and to see the absolute joy on his face is fantastic. ABA has gotten a bad rap, and rightfully so in some cases, but for the majority of kids nowadays, it is one of the most effective forms of evidence-based therapy. At this time, we are only able to do about 6-8 hours a week while ideally we should be doing 20. Again, it needs to administered by a competent professional and I know this is stating the obvious... but we would never have our child do something that he hates. EVER!

Gah! Just read another terrible comment on the website. And it has been deleted. One friend wrote a couple of responses to mean posts because she is awesome - I did ask her to tone it down because one of her posts was like "WHAT ARE YOU, STUPID?!?!". People can be so mean and I have now decided not to read any more comments because little known fact (totally not) I am incredibly sensitive. So far there have been over 300 shares from the website and this is such a huge boost for the center! Huzzah! Hooray! I will be celebrating tonight... with water. Speaking of dehydration, last night I went for gold! Gold in drinking! I haven't been drinking much the past week and yesterday was a bit of an emotional day so I did the mature thing and drank. I first stopped for a quick couple of glasses of wine with friends. I then jumped into a taxi and made my way over to the Beaver Brewing Company for the Therapy Networking Evening. In the end we had 5 specialists show up and it was great! Seeing how passionate they all are about autism is always the push I need to keep going. These are people who truly care about the state of autism in this city and it is wonderful to have them on my side. And then I drank more. I ended up talking to a friend for a little while after the meeting and then I hailed a taxi much later than I had originally planned and at that moment, I realized I had forgotten to have dinner. This happens quite often when I am out and I always say to people "Remind me to eat." and yes, this is the only time I forget to eat. EVER.

The Kid had a two hour therapy session this morning that I could not attend (bad mother) because I had to be at work by 7:30. I was up at 5:30 with a terrible headache but I forced myself to run a 5K... one reason is because I am a masochist, the other reason is I wanted to sweat out as much beer as I possibly could. It ended up being a great run and I did feel a lot better afterwards... if not a little dizzy. I took a shower and ran to work and now I am counting down the hours until the WEEKEND!
The Kid is at the In laws this weekend and the plan is to pretty much do nothing this weekend. I am meeting the Husband at the Wien Museum at 4 and then we will have dinner and then head home where I will promptly pass out by 8. Tomorrow I hope to get some hot yoga in and then the majority of the day will be spent on the sofa, watching re-runs of O.C. yaaaas. I wish you all a fantastico weekend! And thank you for all the article shares and the support! Tis so awesome to have so many great friends!!!


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