Day 5 of Boot Camp and a Good Weekend

Hello Tuesday! After work I will be heading to the Yoga Loft for another hot yoga session. When I get back home, the Kid will be heading to bed and I will take a bath because my muscles have revolted. I have almost successfully completed Day 5 of my personal Boot Camp! Since Friday I have done 2 sessions of hot yoga (3 after this evening), two 5k runs as well as push ups, sit ups and planks. Tomorrow morning I have another 5k and kill me now. I feel like this a good push for me to get fit again. I am also incredibly happy that I am able to mostly run for the whole 30 minutes and my heel seems to be ok. So I am totally winning at life right now. And maybe I had some m&m's for lunch but I don't want to talk about it.

In terms of the Kid and his freak outs-maybe-tantrums, I am happy to report that we had a fit-free weekend. I followed our great therapist's advice and spent the weekend distracting him whenever he started to get kvetchy. Sunday afternoon he was just on the edge again and I quickly put him on my back and ran through the apartment with him. I pretty much acted like a cracked-out cruise director all day Saturday and Sunday to try and keep him from melting down and it worked! The next step is to figure out how to not have to be Pauly Shore all.the.damn.time. Last night he was great when I got home from work and he fell into a deep sleep around 8:30. This morning he woke up at 5:30 a.m. but stayed in his bed until the Husband went in just after 7. Since we have been experiencing 4 nights in a row of uninterrupted sleep (I am not going to get too excited because that is the easiest way to jinx it and end up with him doing a Lord of the Dance jig on my spleen at 2 a.m.), we are making sure that every morning we go into his room and act like he discovered the cure for cancer, brokered a peace deal and won an Olympic gold in curling. "YOU SLEPT THROUGH THE WHOLE NIGHT IN YOUR BED! YOU ARE THE BEST LITTLE BOY IN THE WORLD!!!" It's kind of adorable because at first he thinks he might be in trouble because we are coming into his room when it is still dark out (central European fall mornings) but as soon as he sees us smiling and praising him, he starts to giggle and ach, I just want to hug him.

This morning I decided to stay in bed (I know, I was surprised too) and the Husband was in charge of checking in on the Kid. As he made his way to the Kid's room I yelled out "TELL HIM HE WAS SUCH A GOOD BOY! SAY IT WITH A SMILE! THIS TIME WITH FEELING! JAZZ HANDS! YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE!" and a second later I heard the Husband "What a good boy you were! You slept so well!" Yes, nailed it. The only bad news is that apparently the Kid had a freak out at the kindergarten yesterday but I wasn't there, they don't seem upset, the Kid seems fine... so I am moving on. On Sunday we had a friend over for brunch. After brunch I decided to take the Kid for a walk and my friend joined. It was the second time attempting a long walk without his stroller and I put chocolate in my purse just in case. We walked around for about 45 minutes and then suddenly the Kid just went to his knees and rolled over onto his back. There was no yelling or drama, just a non-violent protest showing me that he didn't want to walk anymore. My little Gandhi. I took out some chocolate and was able to coax him up the last hill home. Poor guy. I seem to forget that he has little legs and an hour walk must seem like a mountain trek. I am very very proud of him though and I am looking forward to more walks in the future... with a lot of chocolate bribes and maybe diabetes. After the walk, we hung out at home and at 3:30, a woman came by to meet the Kid. She has a background in autism and psychology and I met her at the seminar I hosted a couple of weeks ago. Since our psychology student can only work Monday and Friday, we needed someone to come to our place Tuesday through to Thursday. Our prayers (non-religious, and not really a prayer... more like "It would be nice if we could find somebody to come over Tuesday to Thursday".. but whatever, semantics) were answered and we now have some additional help. Yay! We will now be getting the Kid about 6-8 hours of therapy a week and that makes me happy. And poor. Very poor.

In other news, I sent off my very first ever paid for article ever yesterday. As I posted on Facebook on Saturday, Imma gonna be published on an online website that I love. A few weeks back, after a glass of wine, I decided to send through a proposal for an article for the website. I was pretty sure I would never hear back but lo and behold, they said they wanted me to write it and then I did a bit of a dance in my pj's.

I wrote it up on Saturday and I wish I didn't have a word count limit because there was so much to say. I wrote a friend who is a real writer about the news and she offered to look it over for me which was incredibly generous of her. I told her I would have it done Sunday night but I was too excited and sent it to her on Saturday afternoon. I am now waiting for the final confirmation! Once it is up, I will be posting it everywhere because humble I am not. Tomorrow I have to work later and on Thursday I am hosting another therapy networking night. On Friday we will have a therapy session for the Kid in the morning with our therapist who is in town and then after work, the weekend will begin! The In Laws are taking him for the weekend before they go to Asia for a few weeks and it will be great to catch up on some sleep and to maybe just lie down on the sofa and watch crap TV. We might even go to a restaurant together! The novelty! Anyway, I wish you all a fabulous Tuesday. Toodles!


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