Sick, Seminar, Therapy, Babies and Decorating

Well, hello Tuesday night! The past week has been a bit of a whirlwind: busy and filled with me being sick. After the Night Run I came down with a very bad cold. I stayed home on Thursday and spent the majority of it on the sofa, feeling sorry for myself. The Husband had the day off and apparently I was in such a deep sleep that I didn't even notice the doorbell ring. Who was at the door? A registered letter from the Po Po. It was a letter about my Verein registration which stated that I have a Vorstandsmangel. I don't think this is contagious but I am going to look into it. I have been summoned to the police station on the 10th of October and I am not looking forward to it. Last time I was at a police station in Vienna, it was because some stupid-ass traffic beam hit me on the nose during our company's fire alarm. They called an ambulance and while I was fine, my pride wasn't. Months later I had to go to the police station and close the file. They asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said "No, I was just dumb and not paying attention to large beams of metal slowly coming down onto my head." In retrospect, I probably should have sued. So, yes, if anybody can explain to me what Vorstandsmangel means, I would be eternally grateful.

As I wrote above, I spent most of Thursday sleeping and around 3, I crawled into the bathroom and put on my face spackle and lipstick and got dressed. The Nanny was a saint and took the Kid to the playground so that I could get ready. I put on my most "professional looking outfit" which apparently ended up being a black jersey jumpsuit because I hadn't done laundry. I put on my heels, filed the certificates I had made for the seminar into my purse and minced my way to Cafe Wortner to meet the therapist who was giving the seminar. We had coffee and chatted briefly and at 5:30, walked down the street to the location on Wiedner Haupstrasse. Thanks to a friend's connections, I was able to book a church room. When I met with the pastor a week earlier, he asked me which church I attended and I kind of coughed a little and said "Um, I'm Jewish." He didn't miss a beat and kindly said "Well, you are always welcome here." Thanks kind man of Jesus, thank you. That was actually really kind and that's what religion should be about. That and getting presents!

Once we arrived at the room, a nice person met us at the door and helped us set up. Shortly after we were set up, people started to arrive and I felt an immense sense of relief... and fever. I had the cold sweats but I held it together. In the end there were 3 no shows and they are dead to me now but there were 22 people in attendance and I must say that I am incredibly happy with that. There were teachers, therapists and parents and they seemed to really enjoy the seminar. It was a huge success in my humble and hallucinating opinion and I half cried from that and half cried from the chills that were engulfing my body. I also was very aware that my neck was swollen so I looked like this.

At the beginning of the seminar I said a few words and I am not sure what I actually said. I vaguely remember saying something about how my kid drives me nuts but I love him anyway, heh,heh,heh. and then I realized that was not a good thing to say to a room full of strangers learning about autism therapy. By 8:30, the seminar was officially over and we were out of the church and I lurched back home to take a shower and snort some Nyquil and cry a little bit more. Friday morning I woke up feeling even worse but I had to put on a bra and pants because we had an ABA therapy session for the Kid planned. Our wonderful psychology student showed up at 9 with our wonderful new therapist. Literally within 5 minutes, the Kid was incredibly engaged and excited. 45 minutes later he was using 3 signs and it was just incredible. What a difference it makes when you do ABA with a trained therapist. The long term plan is to have our psychology student plus another one work with him at least 8-10 hours a week with the therapist making monthly visits to work them. I think it will make a huge difference. I am so grateful we are on the right track but also incredibly pissed off to not have been offered this type of programme over two years ago. This just solidifies my belief that we need to get more support here. Stay tuned.

After the session, the Husband brought the Kid to kindergarten and I put on my pyjamas and fell asleep on the sofa. I was exhausted. In the afternoon the Mother in Law picked him up from kindergarten and brought him to her place which was such a blessing. Around 5 I put on some leggings and a shirt and walked around the corner to my friends' place to pick up their basement key. They are superstars for storing all my Halloween shit! I thanked them profusely and then crawled back onto the sofa. Saturday morning I slowly brought decorations back home and coughed up a lung each time I walked through the door and then sat on the sofa and cried and the Husband was like "For God's sake. Just lie down!" and I shook my fist weakly and blubbered "It's October 1st! I MUST DECORATE!!" I took a nap and then bought some groceries because I had promised a dear friend to come by and make dinner and help her out with her newborn twin girls and adorable toddler. I also had checked online that I was no longer a walking hot zone (I was in the clear) but brought a fancy silk scarf for my germs just in case. Around 5, I jumped on the bus and made my way over. We drank wine, made fajitas and held babies. Another friend came by and we had an incredibly fun evening of laughing, drinking, eating, and even more laughing. I got home around 11, chugged some Nyquil and dreamed a lot of cray cray. In the morning I worked more on the decorations and the Husband was kind enough to bring the rest of the crap over. The Kid had an upset stomach and unfortunately we had to miss a friend's son's birthday party which was a bummer but he seemed happy enough to help bring some of the fake bloodied sheets into the living room. By the evening the decorations were up and I was Morticia in my happy space. The good news is that while we are surrounded by black and skulls and all kinds of morbidity, the place is still livable. Well, for me it is. And the Kid loves it. The only thing that is different from our normal lives is me yelling "Get that hand out of your mouth! PUT DOWN THE TOMBSTONE!" or "STOP PLAYING WITH THAT SKULL!" Bliss.

And now it is Tuesday evening and I am drinking wine out of my skull hand wine glass. I met my dear friend earlier for an after work drink and I decided to keep the party going. Party for one. Pyjamas. Paw Patrol on TV. The Kid has a new bed that the Husband put together this afternoon and we are trying it out for the first time tonight. He seems incredibly happy that he has a big boy bed. Fingers crossed. The Husband is out tonight so I believe I will be watching Bram Stoker's Dracula and crushing on Gary Oldman. I will be hopefully writing a few more posts this week as it seems that I am slowly recovering. Thank you Gomez! Happy Tuesday!


  1. Does it quote an Article of the Vereinsgesetz 2002 or a similar legal act explaining the Vorstandsmangel? Is there any possibility that when submitting stuff (e.g. a Wahlanzeige) there was a different number of Vorstandsmitglieder listed to the number set out in the statutes?

    1. It could be! We are having our first "General Assembly" meeting tomorrow and then I will go on Tuesday and find out what I am missing! Thanks!!


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