A Lady Doctor Visit, a Solution (Maybe) to the Fits and Boot Camp

Hello Saturday! Hope it is treating you all well! I am just about to have to some lunch and then I will clean up the apartment and then take the Kid for a walk. For the first time in I don't know how long, the Kid slept in his bed to WHOLE ENTIRE NIGHT! I woke up at 6 a.m. and checked my clock and had a mini panic attack not to find him in our bed. I checked on him and he was curled up still in his bed in a deep sleep. I of course may or may not have accidentally woken him up while checking his pulse. But huzzah to a real night of sleep! HUZZAH, I say! He came and snuggled in our bed for a little while and then I put on some unforgiving spandex and headed to the Yoga Loft for some early morning hot yoga.

On Thursday I stayed at home because the Kid had been under the weather since Tuesday night. Wednesday night he woke up at 3 in the morning and refused to fall asleep again so we both stayed home on Thursday. The Nanny came in the afternoon so that gave me some free time. I dropped by a friend's place and we had a late lunch and talked. We also decided to create our own personal boot camp for the next 2 weeks because we are masochists. It is always better to do something soul destroying with a friend. After my visit, I headed to the first district to meet another friend for drinks and an early dinner. I decided that Thursday was going to be my last day of eating like there would be no tomorrow before starting boot camp the next day. My friend showed up and told me she had bumped into another friend of ours and asked if she could invite her along. OF COURSE! We had some wine, ordered food and chatted. At just before 6:30, we paid the bill and then headed to a book presentation I had been invited to. It was in an artsy space around the corner and we spied a fantastic buffet when we entered. WINNING! I greeted the friend who invited me (she wrote a book! I still find published authors fascinating) and then my friend L.P. spotted a couple of old friends. And yes, Vienna is small. Somebody will always know somebody that you know and that is why it is very important to always be yourself. A little warning: news travels fast. Yes, they are real, no I did not once try and sell an internal organ.The presentation started and it was about digital art and was way over my head because I am not what you call intellectual. After the presentation, we had some wine, chatted a little and then grabbed a taxi to the Beaver Brewing Company so that I could have the one and in the end, the last pumpkin beer! Again, WINNING! We sat at the bar, ordered drinks and I texted a friend who was also at the Beaver Brewing Company with another friend. She dropped by at the bar to say hi and then we continued with our drinks. Mr. B. came by and we chatted and then at 10, it was time for me to head home. Yay to pumpkin beer! I'm like a basic lumberjack (or is that a hipster?).

Earlier in the week, I went to my gyno for a check up! Fun! I haven't been in a couple of years because I am a child when it comes to anything medical. She is great and I love her new office. If you are looking for a great doctor, definitely check out Dr. Eva Rothe. She speaks fluent English and she has a chandelier in her waiting room. A CHANDELIER! We chatted a little bit and I told her about the Kid and autism and how he has the regressive autism. Then we got down to business and I made the same old jokes as I do every.damn.time I am in that chair. "Aren't you going to buy me dinner first? He he he" or "Great light fixtures!" She gave me the clear (thank you Jeebus!) and told me that she would call if my test results showed anything worrisome "Don't worry! I studied! He he he." (Shut up Tova). I felt a huge amount of relief that I finally women'd up and went. I'm a big girl, now!

In regards to the Kid and his fits. Well, last weekend was a disaster and I was a hot mess. I thought maybe we were in the clear until Friday morning, he attacked me again. I always seemed to be the target of all the fits which is unusual. Also, I had a strange suspicion these weren't his normal ones. They seemed to start out as temper tantrums and then evolve into a fit. And due to the fact that I was the only one being attacked (totally taking that personally, by the way). I chatted with a friend on Friday afternoon and she had some great insights. I decided to write the Kid's therapist and I detailed what was happening. She thinks that they are attention-seeking and now I feel like an ass. But a little relieved. These past few weeks I have been home more and I think that I just assumed that by me being around more, the Kid wouldn't need as much attention. I was wrong. This is truly a quality versus quantity thing. So after talking to the great therapist and receiving great tips, I am going to see if the fits/tantrums lessen. I am so grateful to have gotten real advice. In the past we would get a shrug and maybe a reason causing the fits but no real tools to mitigate or avoid them. I feel so  much better now. And I am pretty much non-stop following the Kid today and I think he might be getting sick of me. Good. Fingers crossed this new method works!!

In other news, I received a very exciting e-mail. A little while ago I wrote a proposal for an article for an online magazine that I truly adore. I was pretty sure they wouldn't respond but they did and I am in and now I have to write the article! Challenge accepted! Stay tuned for when that comes out and yes, I might actually end up calling myself a writer. Maybe. Maybe not. It seems too soon. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. It's time for me to annoy the crap out of the Kid with attention. I'm a great mom.... Happy Saturday!!


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