Photography Lesson, Hotel Tour, Brunch and an Upcoming Photoshoot

Apologies for not posting sooner. It has been a bit of a whirlwind the past couple of days. We have all day training at work for 3 days for some software so I haven't been able to update Facebook every hour talking about something or other. Speaking of which... yesterday I was on the Ubahn and there were a bunch of teenagers chatting. For the most part, I think teenagers are a-ok. A lot of them are misunderstood and I think it must be a challenge to grow up with social media nowadays: the pressure, the comparisons, the Kardashians. Every adult I meet always says "Oh thank God I did not grow up with Facebook!" and I can only concur. I would have been grounded every weekend for something stupid I posted or bullied for quoting Fiona Apple all.the.time. I once read an article that talked about how bullying is worse for kids these days because back in our day, at the end of school, we could go home and be alone and not be taunted... but these days, with social media, it can keep going and going and that breaks my heart. Speaking of which, I am heading to a book presentation tomorrow for a book that talks about online bullying and I cannot wait! Stay tuned for that summary. Anyway, back to teenagers...

Yesterday on the Ubahn, this group was hanging out and being loud and being awkward and then suddenly one of them dropped his smart phone and oh the cries of shock and horror from the group. There were pats on the back and hang in there buddy as the guy picked it up and checked to make sure it worked. A sense of relief spread across the gang and I thought it was pretty hilarious that the possible loss of a smart phone was such a bonding experience for them. So much compassion. I snorted.

The past weekend was pretty nice and pretty chill. On Friday afternoon I stopped by a friend's for a couple of drinks and then headed home for dinner with the Kid and the Husband. Once the Kid was in bed, the Husband and I watched some TV and then I crawled into bed to read a little. Those first 30 seconds of crawling into bed after a long day is always epic, amirite? In the morning I got up, did some grocery shopping and then headed to the 25 Hours Hotel to meet up with the Vienna Würstelstand crew for some burger tasting and a photography lesson. We sat at Burger de Ville and had a quick tutorial about photography. At one point our "teacher" asked if he was going too fast and the smartass that I am responded with "So this is a camera...?" as I held the camera up. We took some pictures and then the hotel manager gave us a little tour of the hotel. The Husband and I stayed there for a night last year and it was really lovely... and the beds are incredibly comfortable. We were shown one room that has a balcony with a tub on it. A TUB OUTSIDE! Another room boasted floor to ceiling windows overlooking Vienna and it was spectacular. It is all very hipster-ish but I have to say that it is a great place to stay in Vienna. The rooftop bar is also one of my favourite views of Vienna and I will cut you for a seat.

After the tour I headed home and had a small dinner and then once the Kid was in bed, we watched 10.5 Apocalypse which was killing us slowly with its stupidity but we loved it. It was originally made to be a mini-series but the German channel showed it all in one block. We were too tired to watch the whole thing so I told the Husband I would Google the ending. Spoiler alert: they blow up parts of the US to create another fault to divert the fault that is heading towards a nuclear reactor. Frank Langella is in this film! Why Frank?! WHY?!?! Were you in debt? Anyway, it was a great way to spend a Saturday night at home. Sunday morning I woke up bright and early and decided to go for another run. I am aiming to run 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week and continue with my yoga. It feels good to be running again and I just have to be very careful not to overdo it.... Of course, I never listen to my own advice and inevitably overdo it.

After my run, I started cooking. A few ladies were coming over for brunch and the Husband was kind enough to bring the Kid to see the In laws. They just got back from a 3 month round the world tour so it was good for the Kid to see them again. Apparently he remembered where everything was and promptly started watering the plants which is one of his favourite hobbies. At 11, the ladies showed up and we ate and I put on VH1 90's hits which turned out to be epic. Every time a song came on, you could see a wave of nostalgia wash over all of us. The last guests left around 3:30 and it was just a really lovely time. The Kid and the Husband came back home and I did everything in my power to keep the Kid awake until his bedtime... he was zonked. He passed out on the sofa. And now it is Tuesday night and he is in bed. He is coughing a little bit and I am choosing to ignore it for now. He has a had a cough off and on for the past couple of days but otherwise has been his normal self. Fingers crossed it passes. The Husband is out tonight so soon I will sit down and watch the Real Housewives of Melbourne and paint my nails. Just this afternoon I found out that the Kid and I will be photographed tomorrow for an article about autism! I cannot wait to write all about that! I asked on Facebook what I should wear and my dear friends had lots of great suggestions. On my way home, I stopped by a shop and spotted a casual denim-like dress and I think I might end up wearing that. I want to be comfortable and I want to wear blue and also, the planned autism centre is a beach theme so why not look "beachy". Cue the experimental self tanner tonight. This can only end well...

I also reserve the right to change my mind about the outfit 5 minutes before the interview. Heh. I wish you all a fantastic Tuesday night! Nighty night!


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