Naming the Autism Center

Happy Wednesday night! Another long day at work but I made it! My back still hurts but I am going to try to do a session of at home yoga tonight and see if that helps a little. It is driving me batty! Speaking of bats, my three favourite were back last night when my friend was over. I first saw one bat the Sunday before last flying outside my kitchen window. Then last Sunday he was joined by two more. I have named them.

"That's Batsby. And that's Bathoven..." and she asked "Where's Darren?" and I replied with "Darren is over there because I don't think Darren's that bright. Darren's the bat I bet will hit our kitchen window sometime soon." Poor Darren. D.K. came over last night to keep me company since the Husband's away. We ordered Indian food and then I made her watch Gone Girl. I have read the book and have watched the film with the Husband but I so wanted to see her reaction to watching it and she did not disappoint. We had to pause the film a couple of times so that she could process it all. It truly is a spectacular thriller and it was just as good watching it a second time. And that lake house?!?!

It was a fun night! Today I brought the Kid to kindergarten. Thank you heavens above that he seems to be healthy again! He was gung-ho about going so I think the 4 days at home was making him a little crazy. There are only so many pieces of chocolate I can give him to stop him from taking all of my clothes off of their hangers. Tomorrow is my last finance coaching session. Hard to believe that... and a little terrifying. The next step is the big unknown and I like that I am completely clueless as to what happens next. I find that I am at my best when I have no idea what is happening (see: pretty much every big event I have been to). I have a rough draft of my business plan all ready on a Power Point presentation and today I showed a couple of people at work. One friend really liked and she will be in my will. Office Twin, on the other hand, tore it apart. Apparently he didn't think my Oprah meme or my constant use of the word "wine" was professional. I looked at him and said "I just wanted you look at it!!!" and he said "I am just giving constructive criticism!" and I wailed "You were just supposed to nod and compliment me! Don't you understand women AT ALL!?!" and then he tried to take some of my vegan chocolate and I said "NO!" and kicked him out of my office.

But I thought over what he said and he did make some good points (I am never ever revealing that) and one of the things he pointed out... or rather said was "The ANIKS? You are still going with that name?" Now, I initially loved this name. It stood for Autism, Networking, Integration, Kids, Society. But the more I thought about, the less I liked it and up until today, I was keeping the name out of spite. But I realized that it wasn't the right name and I decided I needed something different. I have decided that the centre will be beach-themed and there are a couple of reasons for this. 1) I and the Husband love the sea 2) The Kid loves the sea 3) People love the sea. Also, I have noticed that the Kid loves wide open spaces and being outside. Blues are calming to him and I have only seen primary colour-infused playrooms and I want to do something different. I want the centre to not only be a centre for information, networking, workshops, play and therapy, but also an oasis. And so, I am going with a beach theme.

I went on Facebook this afternoon to ask all of my awesome friends for advice. And my awesome friends came up with awesome suggestions! One that immediately spoke to me was "Lighthouse". I jumped the gun and thought this would be a great name until a friend pointed out that this name was already taken in Vienna. KERBLAST! So I decided that maybe "Beacon" (suggested by another friend) would be a great alternative. Some people thought that sounded too much like bacon. I get it, bacon is awesome. There were lots and lots of great ideas but I wanted something that would convey a beach feeling and yet would be understandable for Germanic speakers with some basic English. Office Twin came back to my office and we sat and brainstormed for a little bit. One name popped into my head and I Google searched it and it existed and I was frustrated... and then, the Office Twin said a name and BOOM! it was perfect. So (and I reserve the right to change it in the future), the Autism in Vienna centre will be named:

The Beacon Beach House
Autism in Vienna Centre

I am happy with it and the term "beacon" like "lighthouse" conveys the idea of safety and hope and yes, we will be having Pina Colada nights. I want to thank everybody for their awesome ideas and suggestions. I am touched that so many people took the time to think of a name. I also laughed out loud when a friend quoted Zoolander. This is quite a ride and I am so happy to be able to share it with so many people. There are definitely moments where I will stop and think "Da Hell am I doing? Starting a centre?! Am I crazy?!" and then I will get messages on the Autism in Vienna page from parents desperate for help and/or a sympathetic ear and I realize how necessary this all is. I can't wait for the next chapter and I am definitely scared but what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I have a learned a few things about myself these past few months: a) I really hate being ignored and b) Anger is a fabulous tool to motivate. I am angry that families are feeling marginalized and isolated. I am angry that we don't receive enough therapy for our son. I am angry that people who are in the position to help refuse to do more. Oh, and did I mention that I really hate being ignored? Heh. Anyway, it is time for me to stretch and namaste a little bit. I wish you all a fabulous evening and thank you again for all of your well wishes and support! See you at the beach!


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