A Book Presentation, Cocktails, Karaoke and a Huge Article

Happy Saturday everybody! It's grey and cold but that is a-ok. The Kid has a hacking cough again because of course he does. He is fine otherwise and today it seems to have improved. I ended up staying home with him yesterday and it was nice to just spend some one on one time, trying to bribe him to drink cough syrup and of course stopping him from crawling onto the kitchen counters to get cake. We are very similar. The last couple of days have been a bit of a whirlwind and here is a breakdown.

Wednesday after work, I ran home, fixed my make up and put on a denim dress. I had to look good because a buddy from Vienna Würstelstand was coming over to take pictures of the Kid and me. I only found out the day before that we would be photographed and while I read the e-mail, I stress ate an Oreo cookie. I am not good in front of the camera. I prefer climate-controlled, dark lighting, sepia-toned selfies that I can filter so I end up looking like I have the skin of a 7 year old. This photoshoot was going to involve a real camera and my fear was real.

At 6, it was time and the Kid displayed such a bro crush that I was shocked. He was all over the guy and I suddenly realized that he too wanted to be captured well on camera. I was asked some questions and then we took some pictures and it went by very very fast that I didn't even have time to do duck lips. The Kid was a rockstar! The Husband came home and I then had to run to the 1st district for a book presentation and be all intellectual and stuff. Or at least just nod my head sagely and look like I know what the author is saying.

I showed up at Morawa bookstore around 7:15 and grabbed a seat towards the back. The place was PACKED! The presentation started and I didn't even have to pretend to be interested because it actually was interesting. The book is called Hass Im Netz, published by the Brandstätter Verlag and is about Internet bullying. The author, Ingrid Brodnig covers the topic of Internet bullying and what to do about it. During her presentation, she highlighted different examples and also talked about media hysteria... how one image can be changed/misrepresented to represent a very different event. I will now apply this to every picture that pops up of me drinking alcohol. Total misrepresentation. Heh. After some questions and answers, there was WINE! in the bookstore. WINE IN THE BOOKSTORE! Had there been pizza too, I would not have left. I chatted to a friend who was there as well and then I was invited to dinner with another friend, the author and her friends and some people from the publishing firm. Don't ask me how this happens. I somehow end up tagging along a lot at these events and I'm waiting for the day when someone notices and/or realizes this. But for now... I will enjoy it and not say a word... Ok, I will say a few words because wallflower I am not.

We headed to Plachutta and when we walked in, we were treated spectacularly and I loved every single second of it. Menus were passed around and I noticed that there was just meat... so much meat. I think the menu might have been made out of meat too. I decided on the schnitzel because I am really rocking this vegan journey. I had a glass of prosecco and chatted to my friend. At one point, I chatted with a journalist. She asked me what I was doing in Vienna and I responded with "Drinking free bubbly!!" while holding up my glass and I am not sure that broke the ice so I turned on the North American in me and asked her a ton of questions. After what must have felt like an interrogation, she then asked me again about what I am doing here. I told her about my life and then told her about the autism center that I am trying to start. I talked about how there would be a coffee shop and that it would be a great way to employ people with autism. She looked a little horrified and I wondered why. I kept talking and then she said "I don't know much about autism but you want to force them to work?!?" and I said "Well, the kids would make Gucci wallets after school." and that didn't go over well so I backtracked. Turns out that she had a very different understanding of what autism is and it was great opportunity to talk about it. Dinner ended and I jumped into a taxi and headed home, loving Vienna even more.

The next morning, I headed to work and then in the evening, a few of us made our way to Hammond's for birthday cocktails. The weather was perfect and we sat outside. I drank margaritas and we laughed and laughed. A friend said she was heading to karaoke and asked if I wanted to come. I snorted and then said, "Ok, just for one drink and then I will head home." Yeah, so I sang. I sang a lot. It must have been those cocktails because I don't sing. I do not sing around people. I don't even sing in front of myself let alone a room with strangers. I have to say.... it WAS SO MUCH FUN! And I am terrible singer! There were of course a few Prince songs and that was emotional. And I attempted Amy Winehouse and that was emotional for the people who had to listen to me sing that. It was time for me to call it a night and we all headed home and now I continue to cringe at the memory.

Yesterday was the BIG DAY! The Vienna Würstelstand article came out and for lack of better term... it was AMAZING! You can read it here  . I need to thank my peeps at Vienna Würstelstand for covering this and for helping spread awareness. This type of publicity is priceless and a huge huge boost for my project. So thank you, guys! This is everything. I also want to thank everybody for their support. I know that this center will happen and it is exciting but also terrifying. On Monday I have some finance coaching and another little session on May 4th. And then I think it will be time to start applying for funding and setting up a business license. This will be a learning process and this will be difficult but it makes it easier knowing that I have so much support. Also, I'm not allowed to go shopping anymore for the next couple of years so that too shall be a challenge. Tomorrow morning I am being interviewed for an Italian blog and my life is like what right now?!?!

I wish you all an amazing weekend! I will be busy practicing poses in the mirror for any upcoming interviews because that is incredibly important. Heh. Happy Saturday!


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